
Aaaah. Thanks for letting me know.

I wondered because so much personal info shared off the bat. But I still give people the benefit of the doubt. Err on the side of caution and all that.

Thanks for the caution! ❤️🙏

And you just saved me time worrying about a struggling kid all night. 😘

Ahhhh the benefit of the doubt card Yea that one is often used but not appropriate. Don’t carry the burdon of hive world on your shoulder you need to sleep at night !

I just checked in to support noobs. Been writing all day and didn't share enough love. :/

I don't know how you do it and wouldn't want the responsibility. Kudos, lady!

On the upside, it seems Hive has helped me regain some of my trust in humanity again.

Isn't that marvelous?! 😊

I think that may be a story worth writing one day.

Much love. ❤️‍🔥

Let the games (gaming) begin.


That’s super great ! If you want the easy way go to the redfish room in the terminal or Ecency post promo room much love needed there and easy to acces , wonderful to see you doing so great



I'll do that rather! Thanks angel 😘

Sorry to jump back in...

I visited her profile and she's making art. It's why I actually stopped to see her intro. She definitely has potential and "that somethings - authentic - creativity wise.

For sure.

Most of her posts are creative and very original.

Are we sure she just doesn't know that you should only do one intro and she's not doing intro's for different communities to try and get more exposure on Hive?

This might be a misunderstanding?

Well so you see her responding?
If it was a misunderstanding I would comment right?
Or maybe I seen it all
We will have to see


She kinda reminds me of a young Tracey Ermin...

Ermin had a rough journey. Trauma. Mental health. Addiction.

She ended up being a leading feminist artist in the UK. She's next level but very gritty.

Hard to look at. But a lot of good artivism is

Maybe , well you can support her Ofcourse and many will, she is the great artist
We shall see how her great hive journey will go

I'll watch a bit and see :)

Thanks for letting me know 😊

I also see why the big debate on auto voting now so it's been a good learning curve.

And also why auto down votes can be a valid thing. Makes sense now 👍🏼

I'm a learner bee. And it's important!

So much to learn on Hive. 👀

I don’t auto downvote , I didn’t even dv here either ( yet ) I know how it feels and it sucks
I will see if this account even comments back

I hear you and I also thought so... until our convo here so thanks for engaging.

It made me understand that if there is a dodgy account that's madly posting and spamming etc, the community could lock it down pretty quickly. That could be helpful so...

nice to see another perspective because it's been bugging me for some time!

Have a beautiful day, B 😊