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RE: Homemade apple sauce from the mystery tree

in Foodies Bee Hive3 months ago

Wow, that is a pretty huge apple tree! We used to have one at our old house and it was always a pain mowing over the fallen apples in the fall. It was like driving down the worst dirt road you can imagine. Usually the deer would come and eat whatever was on the ground. We never tried to make anything out of them because they were a bit sketch looking.


It sure is big. Oh yeah I can see how that would be annoying. We have apples just laying all over our driveway. Wasps and stuff are getting into them.. And the crows eat them too.

Many of these apples looked all messed up, but I was able to cut off much of the bad parts and use the rest.

Yes, we had a lot of bees as the apples would turn as well.

I have to be careful stepping on those fallen apples. If theres a bunch of stinging insects inside they may just get pissed enough to sting me if i step on the fruit.. I would think.

Yeah, nobody wants that!