Festive Potatoes, because they are so colorful and in addition to being great for dinner or lunch because they are light to digest, they can also serve as an appetizer for your guests, if you reduce their size or as you prefer. Here I present in the line of healthy and natural foods, my
FESTIVE POTATOES, I hope you like itGreetings friends #foodiesbeehive, here I am again with another of my recipes, which is an original creation of mine, I have it in my personal recipe book called "Creative Recipes". I called these potatoes


Step 1
Chop the potatoes into pieces. (Optional) you can remove the shell of the potatoes or chop with their shell. I like to chop them with their well washed shell. But there is no problem if you peel the potatoes.

Step 2
Next, boil the potatoes with salt until they soften.

Step 3
Luego colar las papas y machacar bien con tenedor y volver un puré. Reservar.
Then strain and mash well with a fork and make a puree. Reserve.

Step 4
Now chop the onion and the little chili pepper, and fry the dressing with the oil until the onion crystallizes.

Step 5
Add the oregano and crushed garlic to the dressing. Next, add the turmeric powder, liquid garlic (optional), ¼ teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of salt and mix with a wooden spoon and cook a little more until the garlic is well integrated with the rest of the dressing and remove from the heat.

Step 6
Dejar reposar unos minutos y mezclar el puré de papa, con el aliño y la margarina, ayudándose con una paleta de madera.
Let it rest for a few minutes and mix the dressing with the mashed potato and margarine, using a wooden spoon or paddle.

Step 7
Agregar la harina de maíz con ½ taza de agua aprox. Mezclar y amasar, hasta que quede una masa manejable y suave.
Add the cornmeal with ½ cup of water approx. Mix and knead, until it is a manageable and smooth dough.

Step 8
Luego formar bollos con la masa. Reservar.
Then form buns with the dough. Reserve.
Step 9
Cortar el queso en palitos gruesos dependiendo de la cantidad de bollos que hayan salido. 1 por cada bollo
Cut the cheese into thick sticks depending on the number of buns that have come out. 1 for each bun
Step 10
Hacer una pequeña canal en el centro de cada bollo e introducir el queso.
Make a small channel in the center of each bun and add the cheese.
Step 11
Sellar y aplastar un poquito cada bollo cuidando de que no se le salga el queso.
Seal and squash each bun a little, making sure that the cheese does not come off.
Step 12
Poner cada uno, en una plancha caliente a fuego medio y cuando se puedan despegar y estén dorados por un lado se voltean hasta que doren por ambos lados. Sabrán que esta listos si al hacerles toquecitos estos suenen como tambor, es decir como huecos.
Put each one in a hot pot or container over medium heat and when they can be turned and are golden brown on one side, flip until golden brown on both sides. You'll know they're ready, if you sound like a drum.
Your potatoes will be golden like these.

Well I hope you like my recipe. I recommend you to prepare this dish because it is delicious.