The Chicken Liver Adobo, a Filipino dish.

Have you ever taste any Filipino dish? If yes, then what are the Filipino dish that you have taste before? If none, I think this is the time that you should have to try one.


Did you know that Filipino's has a good cooking skills? Well, just count me in, I am a Filipina who loves cooking. I have cooked my favorite Filipino dish the "Adobong Atay ng Manok na may Itlog" or the "Vinegar-Braised Chicken Liver with Eggs" in English language. This dish is literally one of the best and one of my favorite Filipino viand, as I can still recognize one of my friend cooked this dish when we have our overnight stay at the mountain resort. I was really shocked about the taste of it, because it tastes well. Aside from my friend has a good cooking skills, the dish also tastes really well as she always cook any dish with love. We paired the chicken liver adobo with hot rice, I promise you that it has really a good combination. The aroma of the newly cooked and hot chicken liver adobo will make your appetite really well. I ask my friend of what are the ingredients to be used in cooking this viand and what are the procedure of cooking it, and of course she shared it to me, and I will share it to all of you so you can cook and taste a Filipino dish as well.








The Ingredients:
•1 clove of garlic, minced
•1 medium of onions, minced
•5 pcs of chili, minced
•¼ cup of vegetable oil
•1 tsp of msg
•1 tsp of salt
•1 tsp of ground black pepper

•1 tsp of sugar
•1 tbsp of vinegar
•¼ cup of soy sauce
•1 cup water

•Eggs, it depends on you on how many eggs you are going to put.
•2 pcs of potato, cut in cubes
•1 pouch of pineapple chunks, separate the juice of pineapple
•½ kilo of chicken liver

and now, let us proceed to the procedure of cooking...







The Procedure:

  1. Get a pan and make it hot over a medium heat. Pour some oil and wait until it becomes hot, if the oil is already hot, sauté the garlic, onions, and chili(NOTE: the chili is only optional, if you want to make your dish spicy you can add some chili, but if not you can also remove it to your ingredients). Add the chicken liver, put the ground black pepper, sugar, and salt. Continue sautéing until it cooked.
    NOTE: while you are sautéing boil the egg in about five minutes to another casserole.
  2. Pour the one cup of water, the pineapple juice from the the pouch of pineapple chunks, the soy sauce, and then simmer it for five minutes.
  3. After five minutes put the pineapple chunks, the potato that you have cut into cubes, the two table spoon of vinegar, and simmer again for five minutes. Make sure that you do not cover the pan so that the vinegar can evaporate. Cook it for 10 minutes.
  4. Get your boiled eggs, and make sure to remove it from its shell, put it to your pan where you are cooking your chicken liver adobo so that it could be cover up with the sauce.
  5. Lastly, get your bowl and put there your chicken liver adobo and serve it deliciously and hot.


Tadaaa! You can have now your chicken liver adobo. Cook it now and share it to your family, so you can have a happy lunch or dinner. Don't forget to pair it with hot rice.

Filipino food are something that you cannot forget if you taste it. Here in the Philippines we have a lot of delicacies that we are truly proud of.

Before I end this blog, I want you to remember a saying while you are cooking.

"Cook any dish with love, because love is the only ingredient that will make every dish delicious."


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Thank you @hivebuzz

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Adobo is all good, but my favorite PH fool is Tahong. (mussels baked w/ cheese) 😋

I also love eating tahong😋


Adobo is the one dish to cook that'll also last 3 days - good for very busy workaholic people. It's yummy, and lots of protein.

Exactly, miss! That's also the reason why we love having adobo as our viand hehe

Ahhahaa!! Oo diba!?!