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RE: Grilling and Chilling: Burger Me!

You can keep those sprouts but the burgers look fantastic! I even think the chicken one looks awesome. Hopefully we get some nice weather now and we can get that grill on the back deck! Well, You can.. not we unless I am invited for some grill food and beers 😁


The sprouts were amazing. I never would have guessed 10 years ago that I would like them, but they are so good! Thanks for the compliment! It is all a bit damp and meh in the backyard right now, but soon enough it should be prime deck sitting weather. The only problem is we are usually camping in the summer so we rarely get to enjoy it on the weekends!

Camping beats sitting out on the deck anytime.. unless it's storming something crazy. Then I want to be home. Soon enough. Soon enough.