Hello, everyone. Been posting frequently these days and I couldn't be happier to get back on track again. Meeting deadlines over deadlines while working at home can be depressing at times and we're prone to stressing out and feeling demotivated. It's nice to go out every once in awhile to work in a different place and vibe. I've always loved exploring places to find one that I'd think would fun to visit to regularly, to work on tasks or just simply to hang out.
This was during last year when my best friend @bayuismail (yes, this guy again. I don't really have that much friend and we're stuck with each other) and I would hang out almost everyday after discovering this one cafe who serves one of our favorite snack/desserts as their main menu. And it's none other than Waffle!

The cafe has two floors. I think they made the first one to be more formal--fits more to have a meeting with your work colleague, working on home works or assignments and something like that. And the second floor is like the cozier one, fits more to be a place to meet up and have a chit-chat with your friend. They also have game items that you can play with and large private room if you want some privacy with your friends. Plus outdoor seating.

According to the menu list they have 13 variants of Waffle. Even though I haven't tried them all, below are some of the menus that I've had to accompany my visit so far.

This one is the first menu that I ordered the first day we discovered the place. Mini waffle with oreo topping. They serve both full and the mini (half) one. So if you don't feel like eating a full size of waflle, you can try this version of smaller portion. It tastes like a regular waffle with milk as the sauce plus oreo as the topping. (You may have seen a similar pic from this post before since we went out together. This one is from my point of view)

To pair it up, my friend ordered the chocolate waffle one with cheddar cheese and vanilla ice cream as the toppings. There's also a chocolate sauce if you slice open the waffle. I'm not really a fan of it since it made it too sweet for my liking but the vanilla ice cream make it okay.

This one is my order for the other day. And honestly it's my favorite one so far. Chocolate waffle with chocolate berry sauce and little strawberry as the topping. Unlike the other two above, this one has sour and fruity taste. Very fresh and yummy. I don't know why they don't have the regular size version of this but I would definitely order it when they do.

This one is very unique in my opinion. The combination is totally something I have never seen before and I didn't know you could actually pair them up together. I ordered because it looks interesting from the menu. Here we have waffle combined with honey spicy Korean chicken and egg. The chicken tastes sweet because of the honey but when I tried to eat it with the waffle in one go, I can't really say that I'm enjoying it as much as I thought I would be. It actually tastes strange to my mouth so in the end I just ended up eating the chicken only.

Thank you for reading. If you like it an upvote will be very much appreciated.
Yummy, it looks like sugar heaven😍
It is, indeed! Waffles could never go wrong.
Ciao piacere di conoscerti complimenti deve essere molto delizioso Voglio provare a cucinarlo anche se non sono molto brava in cucina Ti auguro una buona serata
Hello! I somehow want to try to cook it on my own as well. Maybe I should really give it a try? It's nice meeting you too. Have a great one.
Ti auguro una buona giornata