Fresh Drinks for Body Health


Hello Everyone.
This afternoon I purposely went to the traditional market to buy kitchenware. The atmosphere of the traditional market is no less than the modern market and I really regret not bringing a camera because it is a very good place for human interest photography. Looks like I need to go back to that place. The traditional market is very crowded with buyers every day, so that makes us push. Actually, I just came here to buy some kitchen essentials such as rice, oil, eggs, and some other ingredients.

After almost an hour I was in the traditional market, I wanted something to drink that tasted fresh in my throat, so I thought it would be better to make cucumber juice at home. I met a person selling cucumbers and he offered them to me. I immediately bought 1 kg and it was only 0.5 USD. I took it home immediately so I could make cucumber juice and as soon as I got home I immediately washed the cucumber to clean it of bacteria and dust.

According to Consuming cucumber is very good for health because cucumber has high nutrition. Cucumber is also very good at preventing dehydration, is an Antioxidant, Can lose weight, and regulates sugar levels in the body. Although cucumbers are considered vegetables, cucumbers have many benefits because they are low in calories. Cucumber contains vitamins and minerals as well as high water content.
Some of the ingredients needed to make cucumber juice and let's see what we have prepared.

  1. Cucumber: Cucumber must be fresh and not rotten. For a fresher taste, it is better to use a young cucumber
  2. Sugar: Sugar is only needed to sweeten juice drinks. Please use the sugar according to the needs of the body and should not exceed the need.
  3. Water: Use enough water. Do not exceed as it will make the eastern juice watery.
  4. Oranges: if you need fresher juice, use only a little orange juice so that your juice is slightly acidic.
  5. Mint leaves : This leaf is very well used in any drink. I put some mint leaves in the cucumber juice and it was very fragrant and fresh.

Because the process of making cucumber juice is not difficult. We just need to clean the cucumber and cut it to make it easier when it is in the blender. Before the cucumber is in the blender, add sugar, and enough water and put the cucumber in a blender jar, if you want the juice to be fresher and fragrant, add 2 mint leaves and blend until smooth. After in the blender, lime juice and ice are added, so the juice drink is very refreshing. Let's try good luck
















CameraEOS M50
Flash usedLED
F-Stopf/5.6 mm
Focal Length35 mm
Exposure Time1/8 s

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It is an excellent and delicious drink, healthy and with a marvellous purifying effect... But the real reason I'm commenting on this is to congratulate you on the excellent photos.... They are very high quality photos, good job!.... That first photo caught my attention mightily.... The recipe and preparation is very well put together and nicely written. Thanks for sharing @anzirpasai friend!

!discovery 30

You're welcome. I'm very grateful to you brother and I appreciate that. I also just found out that cucumber is really beneficial for health so this is the reason I share it here.

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Ini obat kuat ya bos?

Ubat mumang bos. haha