Greetings to everyone on this wonderful Three Kings Day, I imagine everyone with their gifts ☺️ today I bring you a very exquisite Recipe so that you can stand out at home, very simple to prepare but that everyone loves. My recipe is pasta with ground meat, an exquisite Italian dish that we enjoy for lunch, the little ones in the house are fascinated by it and we are happy because it is a dish that contains all the proteins and carbohydrates necessary for their nutrition and growth. Here are the ingredients I use:

Pasta Larga
500 grs de Carne Molida
Dos cebollas
Un pimentón
Dos cubitos Maggi
Color u onoto
Queso duro
Long Pasta
500 grams of Ground Beef
Two onions
A paprika
Two Maggi cubes
Color or onoto
Hard cheese

Paso 1: Después de lavar el pimentón, cebolla, calabacín, se pela y se pica muy chiquitico, lo hacemos para que los pequeños de la casa no se escandalicen y no quieran comer porque son pocos los que le gusta las verduras en guisos.
Step 1: After washing the paprika, onion, zucchini, it is peeled and minced very small, we do it so that the little ones in the house do not get scandalized and do not want to eat because few people like vegetables in stews
Paso 2: mezclamos la carne con las verduras que picamos, ahí la aderezamos añadimos los cubitos y el onoto, y lo amasamos para que toda la carne quedé simultáneamente aderezada.
Step 2: we mix the meat with the vegetables that we chop, there we season it, add the cubes and the onoto, and we knead it so that all the meat is simultaneously seasoned.

Paso 3: Se monta al fuego lento la carne después vamos aumentando el fuego.
Step 3: The meat is simmered and then we increase the heat.
Paso 4: se monta la pasta mientras se cocina la carne molida.
Step 4: the pasta is assembled while the ground meat is cooking.

Paso 5: Le echamos un vistazo a la carne añadimos sal al gusto y dejamos que termine de cocinar para luego retirarla del fuego.
step 5: We take a look at the meat, add salt to taste and let it finish cooking and then remove it from the heat.

Finalmente todo terminado y servimos nuestro exquisito plato pasta con carne molida, le añadimos queso rallado, esto se ve delicioso
Finally everything finished and we serve our exquisite pasta dish with ground meat, we add grated cheese, this looks delicious
Lo acompaño con un vaso de Coca-Cola y me dispongo a comer jajajjs
I accompany it with a glass of Coca-Cola and I am about to eat hahaha

Esto es todo por el día de hoy, espero les haya gustado y lo compartan en casa quedó delicioso les mando besos y abrazos.
This is all for today, I hope you liked it and shared it at home, it was delicious, I send you kisses and hugs.

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