My daughter fancies various kinds of desserts / sweetdishes. She is always looking for something new innovative and something simply creative, which is not like any usual dessert available at the counter of the bakery shop, but something that can be created from the things available at home… just look here… look there… grab the things and create a dessert out of it.
Which Indeed is Pretty challenging but it is indeed a lots of fun as it boosts your creative energy to put into something which is new that you have created out of anything and everything available around you…sounds pretty interesting !!! Yeah It is !
Here is the summary of the creative and innovative Sweet dishes - desserts that I have and we have (me & my little angel) created together over the last couple of days during the festive season! And what best than celebrating…Hive to the Moon !!! Lol Yeah ! Ofcourse !
The biggest thing is that she always expects multiple ingredients or multiple variety of things to be available on a single platter, it sometimes seem like a platter but then desert can definitely be an amalgamation of various ingredients components put together that you can enjoy experiencing various different tastes, experimenting with your taste buds signaling your brain what is more wonderful in the dessert, subsequently followed by loads of appreciation and followed by the demand of another unique dessert to be created the next time or perhaps adding some of the components from the previous desserts which probably would be liked most and carry forward on to the next dessert and so on !
So in this desert we have created some magic… we already had the chocolate brownie created, add some Hershey's chocolate syrup some muesli, some Honey coated corn flakes and a Choco filled Dark Fantasy the biggest challenge was to put them together so that aesthetically they look beautiful together on the camera and on the platter, we tried several tips and tricks to put them together but the one that I am sharing with you did came out well on the Platter and on the camera as you go !!!
My daughter did love this one and the softness of the cake the #delicious taste of the chocolate syrup and then above all the crunchiness of muesli and cornflakes make a lovely taste and releasing it with Choco filled Dark Fantasy…making it super yummy treat !
The desserts that we have created and recreated, actually originated from starting with baking a #cake and in some case the left over cakes…!
After baking the muesli and nuts cake we really wanted to enjoy it with some syrup so evenly spread on muesli and nuts cake and we had added melted jaggery sauce into the cake jaggery did gave delicious sweet tinge and flavour to the cake and it also made the cake pretty Gooey the cake had some really wonderful softness to it.
Now the biggest challenge was to serve it with a couple of more ingredients added together on the platter so we had slices of banana, some multicolored sprinklers and some KitKat available, the whole idea was to have a Wholesome dessert which is indeed Pretty satisfying and filling and it perfectly did that job…superb taste and totally satisfying ! Hmmm !!!
It indeed was a challenge to put all the ingredients together on one platter and to make it look lovely so that everyone can pick up the ingredients of your choice and start from anywhere ! No hard and fast rules. Should be more fun than being more systematic in approach! The gist is "Make your own Rules" !
We also made jaggery syrup by melting jaggery cakes with a cup of water and making delicious looking jaggery syrup to be poured on to the cake though we could use honey or even maple syrup but we chose this…jaggery syrup !
The jaggery syrup did add a lot of sweetness, a very unique dark taste and the flavor of fruits and the crunchiness of the sprinklers made the sweet dish more wonderful and truly remarkable so that to the extent that my daughter has been telling me how to make the same kind of desert again but you know that always does not happen the uniqueness of one dessert at a point of time probably may not happen the next time… the next time it can be better or probably little less better than the previous one. That always happens no matter how perfect you are!!!
Here are some of the pictures that you would love to see some close ups hope you like them.
Hope you enjoyed watching ! We enjoyed Relishing !!!
Best Regards
The chocolate cake with the flakes embedded vertically looks just way too attractive and delicious and that Choco-Filled Cookie matches to the essence of the entire dessert ! Very Well done ! Amazing effort !
Super wow, assorted desserts will really cheer me up!!!
Cheers ! :)Thank you so much! @noemilunastorta Really appreciate that wonderful gesture !
Great creative dishes there champ.
And I also learned about jaggery syrup, I'll keep an eye out for some in the future.
Hey Ed ! :) How are you doing, man !? :)
Good to see you here ! & Thank you so much for that appreciation ! Truly delighted !
Yeah...jaggery syrup is absolutely healthy and very nourishing besides being truly nutritious !
Cheers !!! :)
Doing great, little busy in life with 3 kids.