The Sehri With A Heavenly Dish & Beauty ~ Ramadan Series | Banani to Shantinagar

in Foodies Bee Hive11 months ago

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing well today.


Today, I want to share a story with you guys, a sehri that was so memorable that I will never forget, nor the people I had been with. Not to mention the food was worth all the travel. And, my friends and I went there just before Ramadan ended but somehow forgot to share the event.

Indeed, Ramadan is long gone. But, Muslims still have the opportunity to keep 6 days of fasting as a sunnah. So, I'll soon for another sehri cruise with my buddies, I hope they are free.

Without further ado, let's begin!


Story Time

My friends and I planned this event 4 days before it happened. Naturally, we made sure that everyone would be free the next day since we would be out past midnight looking for food in a restaurant which would most certainly hamper our sleep.
We discussed the time of meet and how we would travel. We decided to meet outside our friend's house at 1 am and would call an Uber once we reached there. The location was a bit far but since it was well past midnight, there would be no traffic.

The location we chose was Banani, in a restaurant called Rustic Eatery. It had good reviews overall and had a running offer of Buy 1 Get 1. Of course, I didn't notice this tiny detail and chose the place since I had no other good ones on me.

I kept my clothes on the side, ready to be worn when the time came. I rested my head at midnight and didn't wake up till 1:37 am😅. My friends kept calling me but I was deep in my sleep. My brother woke me up and the first thing I did was quickly respond to my friends' calls and reassure them that the plan was not canceled. Then I called an Uber that took 10 minutes to arrive at which I got ready myself, got my ironed clothes, watch, and perfume, and headed out.
I picked up my friends at 1:51 am and headed for the restaurant.

Unsurprisingly, it was full. People were sitting in the smoking zone! The lengths people took to get a seat!

There was another friend group much larger than ours, they arrived after us as we unhappily went down the stairs. They also saw the state of the restaurant and told their other friends, "Aaj kopale khabar o jutlo na". That means those poor fellows weren't having the best luck that day, and to top it off they couldn't get any food.

Desperate, we asked their manager if their other branch was nearby and if they had space there. He gave us both good news and bad news. The good news was there was an empty branch, the bad news was that it was at Shantinagar, which was a good distance away from there. Our lady friend was a bit anxious about reaching the place in time. We decided not to look for food nearby and headed to that branch.

The bill was paid and we entered the place. It was also full BUT* fortunately, a group of friends had finished their meal and left the place. And finally, we had our seats in the restaurant. Here too, a huge family arrived looking for seats but left unhappy as the restaurant was now fully occupied.

We hastily went for the menu and ordered the 2 options they provided us.


Meanwhile, as we chugged soft drinks my friends put an accusing finger over me, saying that I shouldn't have dozed off. That they would've cancelled the plan if I dozed off for 20 more minutes.

The Food Arrives

With just 30 minutes left, we got our food! And boy was I famished from all the hop skip and jump to a different town!


This was Option 1:
★ 1 quarter piece of BBQ Chicken Sautéed with Tangy Masala Savory Sauce
★ 1 serving of Sausage Mushroom
★ 1 piece Masala Chicken Lollipop
★ 1 piece Vegetable Saslick
★ 1 serving Garlic Oregano Rice
★ 1 serving Seasonal Salad
★ 1 serving of fan-favorite Lychee Lime

I wanted it as it had a huge chicken and more protein on the sides with a salad and garlic rice.


Not to mention that the food itself was mouthwatering. Moreover, they kinda messed it up on the plating of the dishes which is understandable since they were having Sehri half of the staff at a time.


This is platter 2:

★ 1 piece Deep-fried mozzarella, Sausage, and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Topped with Creamy Garlic Sauce
★ 1 piece of Masala Chicken Lollipop
★ 1 piece Deep Fried Chicken Saslick Sautéed with Jamaican Sauce
★ 1 piece Vegetable Saslick
★ 1 serving Seasonal Salad
★ 1 serving Garlic Oregano Rice
★ 1 serving of fan-favorite Lychee Lime


They also missed giving us the masala chicken lollipop on the second platter.


The famed serving of Lychee Lime was good for the digestion of the amazing food.


We later called for the servers and pointed out some sides were not given to us, namely the mushroom sausage and chicken lollipop. They apologised and brought out a whole bowl of chicken lollipops and mushroom sausage as a complementary dish. Gosh, could it get any better?


Surprisingly, we could not finish our food. We took breaks between eating as we realized that it was too much food. Not for me though, I finished mine in one sitting and enjoyed every bite. The popularity and hype that the people placed was worth it.

The only sad part about this was that due to inflation the price of these platters had increased by Tk 200 or $1.99. Last year, this very platter was around Tk 650. Even so, it was relatively cheap considering we had a sumptuous meal with friends.


And lastly, as time passed by, we chatted to our heart's content. Made some plans that might never happen XD.
The guy and girl on the other side were geniuses with high accolades in their field. Both are from highly reputed Public Universities and somehow I am their friend 😁. Now that’s a real beauty with brains.
I now notice that my hair needs a trim and my part near my watch was crumpled.
And just before we were about to part ways, we made a moment of the event with a few clicks.