I could remember when I was very young, at primary school then, my class teacher teach us to always eat protein from the plant and from the animal at a time so as to grow well, as a kid, I told my mum when I reached home and she didn't say anything, she only said okay. We can find protein from the plants like Beans and Soya beans, I don't know if there are more grain foods but the ones that I know and popular in Nigeria is Soya beans and beans. It's of recent I even know Soya beans, how to bring out milk from Soya beans, the popular ones that I know is the normal beans that gets soft after cooking for like thirty minutes or more, depends on how hard or solf the beans is.
I have what my teacher told me in mind up till now, so I always make sure that I eat protein from the plants and animals at a time, for instance if I would eat beans, I would make sure I eat beans with fish or have milk beside me, drink in like water when eating beans and it goes well, it's a perfect combination but I know that I still need Carbohydrates to give me power when it produce glucose in digestion after eating and we can find carbohydrates in foods like Yam, Rice, Cassava yam, bread, noodles, spaghetti 🍝 noodles, etc. These are the goods that are popular here in Nigeria but I prefer eating rice if I want to eat Carbohydrate.
Today think I should eat something that combine Carbohydrates and protein, so I cook Rice and beans with egg. To cook that combination, it's a step by step process, not what can be done at once. The first thing that I did is light the cooking stove, add some water in the pot and wait till it boil, then I sliced onion inside the boiling water to make the food smell nice and fine, onion brings out the aroma in foods. I picked out the dirt inside the beans and rinsed it and poured it inside the boiling water and closed for ten minutes, then I added rice after ten minutes. Reason why added rice later is because Rice doesn't take time to cook like beans, so I've calculated the time.
After another ten minutes, I checked and it's already ready to eat, so I later boiled egg and cooked a little stew that would be enough for me to eat the rice and beans. So that's how I prepared Carbohydrate together with protein (from plant) and protein from the animal (eggs).