Some pictures of mushrooms are good for health and one of them that I often cook at home.

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)


Hi natural medicine friends.
We all certainly know and are familiar with the types of mushroom plants, one of the mushrooms that we will discuss this time is the ling-zhi mushroom, in 2000 ago the lingzhi mushroom was started to be processed and used for health purposes as herbal ingredients.

Some countries in Asia have long known Lingzhi Mushrooms as traditional medicine. China, Japan, Korea, to India are countries that have long used this fungus as medicine.





Various benefits of Lingzhi mushroom for health.

1. Helping cancer treatment.

A study shows the complex sugar content contained in Lingzhi mushrooms is a very useful content in terms of preventing the spread of cancer cells in the human body.

2. Boost immunity.

Another benefit of Lingzhi mushroom is that it can increase immunity in humans, this is because lingzhi mushrooms contain polysaccharides which in research are said to increase human immunity, lingzhi mushrooms are also antibacterial and antiviral which can help the human body fight the flu.

3. Can lower blood pressure and reduce allergies.

Lingzhi mushrooms also contain triterpenes,these substances make this mushroom have a bitter taste on the tongue, but the properties of this Triterpenes substance have the benefit of helping prevent hypertension.





The presentation of lingzhi mushrooms is now quite sophisticated because in some countries they have processed lingzhi mushrooms by taking the extract only, namely in the form of tea, which can be brewed using hot water and can be drunk immediately.


Button Mushroom

Mushrooms are one of my favorite types of mushrooms to cook in the kitchen, this mushroom has a pleasant taste on the tongue, besides growing in the wild, we can usually find it on rice haystacks, this mushroom has also been widely cultivated by mushroom farmers, and we can easily find in the market.






In addition to having a delicious taste, button mushrooms also have benefits for the human body, this is due to the abundant fiber content in button mushrooms, therefore for those of you who want to go on a diet it is very good to consume this button mushroom, because the fiber content can reduce postprandial blood glucose. or known as blood sugar after eating, which makes the body feel full.
In addition, fiber is also useful for healthy digestive system in our body.



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