For over a week I've had unusual waist pain that's quite similar to that of cramps. The thing is I don't get hormonal cramps randomly and this felt kind of different. This pain felt like the type I feel in my abdomen after eating too much sugar.
Three days ago, I was bending to pick something up from the floor and I almost had a stiff waist (like when you get a stiff neck). I feel like if I had stooped further down I probably wouldn't have been able to get up. I could literally feel something wrong with my body and the obvious culprit is sugar.
My diet consists of a lot of carbs because our main foods in Nigeria is mostly carbs. On top of that, I take a lot of Milo choco drink which has a lot of processed sugar. The main culprit however is Coke. One time here, I expressed my undying love for Coke and now I realize I might be dying because of it.
In a week I take at least 3 bottles of Coke or Pepsi. It started as a joke because I had initially successfully cut it out but then I relapsed. Whenever I was super tired or hungry, I reached for a Coke. Sad? Coke. Stressed, pressured, vexed - Coke.
I know all of the risk involved but I always excuse myself for momentary pleasure and now I've gone too far. My body is practically begging me to stop and I'm going to comply.
I'll be going on a 30 Days No fizzy drinks challenge. Each time I get tempted to reach for a cold satisfying bottle of Coke, I'll reach for a bottle of water instead. It's going to be very tough and I might show withdrawal symptoms in just a few days so I'll supplement with unsweetened yoghurt if it hits too hard.
I'm also going to observe changes in my skin as regards to acne and hyperpigmentation and if cutting out the excess sugar helps with it. I don't exercise, I'm too lazy to. Let's see if I feel better in my waist and joints without sugar and exercising. I know for sure cutting out sugar will improve my bone health lessening the risk of osteoporosis, lessen the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
I'll be back with progress reports every couple of days and I hope I come bearing good news. I don't mind tips to help me with this challenge, I really would appreciate them.
Health still remains the utmost wealth.
Keep up the good fight, you might find you have more energy after your body readjusts to those new sugar levels.
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Me to Coke
Sounds like a wise decision. I have no doubt that it's gonna do you well.
Thank you
How is it going? I see you didn't post since you started this challenge.
Coke! Pepsi! 😲😲 What!! That's lots of processed sugar!! (Is the exclamation marks having the intended effect? 😄)
Sugar is a baaaad thing, so it's good you are starting this challenge. I wish you success in it. Yes, you will have withdrawal symptoms and it's going to be a hard fight to stay away because sugar is addictive.
Always have water close to you. Stay away from anyone eating pastry or sweets or drinking any fizzy drink. Good luck! 💪
Could hear you shouting over here 😂
Holup, pastries too?
😂 This lady loves pastries like me. Yes, pastries! At least for the duration of your challenge. They have sugar too.
You can do this!! 💪