Once again - or actually, only for the third time in about a month's time - I decided to go for an intuitive drawing technique that I learnt from @clareartista , in a Zoom workshop last month.
The idea behind this is to get rid of some unhelpful feelings - I'm sure all of us crave to do so these days - and to release / transform them into spontaneous / improv art.
For more info on the process, as taught by Clare, here's the first post where I talk about that particular workshop:
And here's the result of / the piece that I came up with during that workshop:

A couple of weeks ago, I felt like trying what I learnt at home ( this time without Clare inspiring or teaching me. It led to the following drawing:
For the story behind it - I actually managed to find some kind of Covid message behind it ( not much of a surprise really ) - go here:
Now let me finish this with a little explanation of the drawing at the top of this write up, that I made less than an hour ago.
I used crayons or 'oil pastels' ( the same set that I worked with in the first two sessions ) and followed my intuition ( what color to pick and where and what to do with it on the paper ) for a minute or two.
I then started looking for some kind of human figure. I spotted a huge female head / face pretty soon. I colored it in and then started highlighting parts of it with a black crayon.
FYI: All the black lines and curls are drawn over ( intuitive ) lines that arose during the first two minutes of the creative process.
I must say that I'm pretty pleased with the result and really felt like sharing it with you all.
P.S. If you aren't already, go follow @clareartista she's an intriguing human being and artist and I'm very glad I've got to know her :<)
Though I really like it, it looks more like a Pablo, than a Vincent drawing. Good effort on your part. Keep safe @vincentnijman. :)
Thank you, Juan! I'll take that as a compliment :<)
It was Vincent ( van Gogh ) who inspired me a lot as a kid.
I used to draw almost daily as a kid for many years and he's from the same country - The Netherlands.
P.S. I even wrote a couple of posts on that, a long time ago. If you've got time to spare, here they are:
July 2018:
1 Theo and Vincent - My parallels with van Gogh - Diary of a Filmmaker
2 Tunnels of the Shadow People - Diary of a Filmmaker
January 2019:
Vincent died at the age of 37
Yeah, I really liked it. I can tell that you knew how to draw. Thanks for the links. I will... :)
I spent many months working with an art therapist when I had prolonged hospitalization, and found it transformational.
Curated for #naturalmedicine (by @artemislives) - join our community
Maybe I should do something to help me with the negativity that has been building up. I need to get mind cleared.
Nice to hear that. I recently thought - not for the first tiem - that I might ( want to ) be one in the future.
Wait till I get my laptop. I will unleash the Picasso in me. :-)
You don't need a laptop for that, I don't think Pablo used one ;<)
Artists like him were so damn creative / productive because laptops / the Internet didn't even exist haha
I'm glad you managed to deal with it in other ways already but art can sure be healing :>)
You are getting better Vincent, I am smiling now because I feel happy to see the amazing relaxing effects of art on you. Lovely piece😊
Thank you for the compliment. Practice makes perfect. I have a decade or two of dust and rust to deal with.
I see great artistic future in you Vincent
You're kind. It sure was around in my past. Let's see if I can bring it back ;<)
😍It would be great
Hey Vincent, onze wegen zijn een beetje uit elkaar gegaan daar je niet langer actief bent op whaleshares. Mag ik je vragen om nog 1 keer terug te keren en daar alle witness votes te unvoten?
Nu de covid regeltjes wat gelost worden zullen de positieve vibes snel weer terug komen (hoop ik toch...)
ah nog een vraagje: ben je actief op Discord, indien ja, onder welke naam.
Hee Felix,
Tijdje geleden inderdaad :<)
De positieve vibes zijn er het grootste deel van de tijd maar moest dit even kwijt ( letterlijk en figuurlijk ), ging meer om het kunstwerk dan om het negatieve ;<)
Ik ben heel actief op Discord ( meer dan me lief is ) - VincentNijmanZENsitivosaurus#5870
Little Hyper and/or Cinvent thinking positive thoughts about mother and/or other significant females in their lives? :)
The art style this is reminding me of is on the tip of my brain but I can't pull it out enough to identify it. Anyway I feel like it would be quite at home on a wall somewhere XP
Perhaps you were thinking of Gustav Klimt?Don't tell me it's Picasso, as @juanvegetarian mentioned ;>)
You people are too kind! I hope and intend to one day make art that people put on their walls. Thanks for the reminder
That might be a good idea too. :)
Didn't come across as particularly cubist to me. I'm inclining towards naive but don't think that's quite right either. Oh well whatever it's nice XD
These are nuts 👽
I'm eating some roasted, unsalted almonds right now.