In the banana den, what can be done to protect the farm from effects rain & thunderstorms

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

God has blessed us with abundant nature, There isn't any doubt that i love nature, my love for nature made me raised a garden not quite long, not only do i plant, i also keep animals. And apart from all these things i do, exploring and touring on anything that has todo with the nature is also my priorities.


  • just few days ago, i discovered this banana den, perhaps the biggest in my locality and since then i've been keeping up with this banana farm and I've been getting my fresh bananas from here, Its a banana plantation along a river flowing and produces fruits all year.

But its quite unfortunate to see the effects of heavy rain and thunderstorms on the farm damaging virtually all the trees.


While we'd be so happy seeing rain fall, on the other hand, it could also has some damaging effects on plants.
Typically, banana trees are weak and at certain height when the wind comes they can all fall off.



In my interactions with some of the owners of these farm, i was made known that this is the first time they are experiencing such. I felt Because its just the beginning of another rainy season, it was quite windy with some thunderstorms.

It will be better to find a solution now rather than losing the whole trees, this is a banana tree serving the whole community, we all love to eat fresh fruits.

I feel Since the banana trees are kindda weak, its important to get a tree or a pole they can lean on so as to serve as a guard when the rainstorm comes.

Another thing that could be done is to rooty and leafy trees to stop the wind from blowing off. either way. I believe there should be some balance in the ecosystem.

 4 years ago  

Looks like the wind really did some damage to the banana grove.

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