I Reminisce.......

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

I sit here, at one of my favourite spots, underneath the mighty Olive tree, her branches spread out above me and I feel held. two dogs lie at my feet, both panting from the heat, their chests rising and falling, as the wind whistles on by me. I love this time of year, where the temperature is so much more manageable and you know that the rains will soon come.


This here, has been my spot for a few years now. surrounded by trees and I find it hard to imagine another place. But soon I will move and who knows what awaits me there.

How I admire the ivy that grows over one part of the wall. Green and lush all year long, slowing spreading herself out. As most things are brown that surround her, her green is such a welcome sight. With one of the mighty olive's branches, framing the walk up to her.

Over the last six years I have really got to know the shape of this land. I love to walk bare foot, feeling the stones massage my feet, as I harvest the abundance of food, that grows here.Right now, I am on the look out for some ripe pomegranates. Ripping them open, to reveal the red jewels within.

Everywhere I look, there are so many memories, so many magical moments. Moments of connection ad celebration. My youngest daughter was born on this land, I remember clearly the smell of neroli, as her place of birth, has a orange tree next to it and the blossom was out.

I remember the night, I was clearing the water ways and I scooped a snake up into my hands, amongst a pile of leaves. A blessing for me!


My eldest has spend half of her life here, playing amongst the trees, making shelters amongst the fig trees, letting her imagination run well. My second youngest, who loves to climb and hang upside down from some of the branches and my youngest, who likes to go on walks in the dark on the land, so secure she feels here.

I have sat in circles with friends, with my sister. Singing songs of gratitude and love. Calling in healing and also creating it. I have anointed this earth with my tears, on many occasions. I have wrapped my arms around the trees and lay down on the earth, so content. This as been my home!

I recently had , some of my friends come over and help me tidy up some of the land, finally the land gets to breathe easier now, with less rubbish weighting her down. I have been so blessed with this space, it has provided me and my girls with so much. I can not express enough gratitude for all that I have received and continue to receive.

Everyone that comes here, always comments about the vibe. How welcoming the land is and how relaxed they always feel. The trees provide that space, that atmosphere, their giant branches stretching above us and we gather together to create, to create music and sing. To help bring more balance into the world.

I love to bring people together, to join in the gift of creation and free ourselves from all of this mental slavery. Life is a gift and embracing each moment, is one of the greatest lessons.

I reminisce, feeling so blessed, to now be forever connected to this land. It has inspired me and help to heal me. Calling me back, when I was feeling lost in my grief. Welcoming me with open arms, when I returned.


I am glad that the milk and honey of life and of this earth are opened unto you. The memories in here weigh strong in delight and bliss. May your Joy always be full.

Thank you for sharing your life and experience with us.

 4 years ago  

Thank you @udezee, I do hope that you are well my friend, it has been a while since we connected xxxx

Thank you for expressing your memories and your feelings about the place that has been your home for the last 6 years 💚

I'm sorry that I'm not completely up-to-date about your life and your plans. But I really hope your next home will be as beautiful as this one and that you and your daughters will flourish there 🌸

Blessings to you 💫

 4 years ago  

Ah thank you @mamrita, gosh I find it so hard to keep up with everyone, my life is so o busy right now, thank you for thinking of me and I hope all is well with you xx

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 4 years ago  

thank you for the support xxx