What led you to abandoning pharma products for natural ones?
I grew up in a household where my parents used pharmaceutical products for all of their ailments, they put their faith in their doctor when it came to their health and they never questioned any treatment that was offered to them. This is something that is obviously very common as many believe that their doctors know best.
On a positive note though, my parents would rarely take me or my sisters to the doctors, not unless we were in a lot of pain or had a serious injury, so I grew up hardly ever having taken antibiotics or pain relief. At the time I thought that they were neglecting us but now I can see how lucky I was.
During my teens, I remember reading some books about Wicca and the use of herbal medicines and being fascinated by the fact that our ancestors used natural medicine, I dreamed about living in a time when this was the norm, not realizing how it still was. There is a lot to be said for where you grow up and the many things that influence you.
I have always had a huge love for the natural world and felt right at home in it, but it took me a few years to feel confident enough to explore my relationship with the many plants that grow among us. Having very little confidence led me to just follow on, with what was being taught, even though deep down I knew to always questions things. That deep down things were not as they seemed. It was easier for me to ask those questions internally rather than externally. It really did take me a while to find my voice!
So I grew u believing that we needed to turn to health professionals if we wanted to improve our health, handing over my responsibility just as my parents did. Totally unaware of how disempowering it was, until I entered my early twenties and began to work in mental health and have first hand experience with pharmaceutical companies.
I naively believed that the health system put people first. I know that some health professionals do, but those people work within a system that is all about profit. And a lot of that profit comes from pharmaceutical companies. I saw first hand how people are used as Guinea pigs and the horrible withdrawal effects and side effects that all of those medications cause.
I also saw how most people put their complete faith in their doctors and never question the treatments that they are placed on. Having no idea about the many side effects that their medications can have and how they can affect their lives. This led me to research more about medications prescribed for physical health problems and opening my eyes to the many health complications that arise from taking them.
From there, I took it upon myself to learn more about the healing properties that our bodies hold and I began on the path of learning to trust my ability to self heal. I had already stopped eating meat in my teen’s so I was aware about the importance of eating a balanced diet. Alongside that I began to learn more about herbal remedies and begin another journey that led me to discover the beautiful healing relationship we can have with plants and trees that grow around us.
All of this leads me into another question that was posed -
Is the study of natural medicine fundamental to all aspects of life.
Natural medicine is holistic, when you treat yourself naturally you are treating your whole being. We are interconnected, what affects one part of us, effects all parts of us. This idea of isolating an illness is what makes modern medicine so dangerous, as it only focuses on one aspect of dis ease or ill health.
In order for us to heal fully, we need to explore every aspect of who we are and how we live! Taking into account all aspects of our life. That way we get a holistic view and can provide holistic treatment. Just as we are complex beings, so too are the plants that we use to heal ourselves. They work on so many different levels, which is exactly what we need when we wish to heal.
My journey into natural medicine led me to that conclusion very early on,because it is all about connection. Your connection to self and to the treatments that you undertake.
Natural medicine takes on many guises, not just plants. There are so many different treatments available, all which strengthen your connection to self and your natural well being. There are some very simple measures that you can undertake that can have some profound effects.
Like being out in nature, unplugging from technology, walking barefoot, allowing yourself to connect with the earth and bringing more balance into your life. We are bio electrical beings and we are meant to connect with the earth's electrical energy. But so many of us rarely do, taking the time to walk barefoot helps us reconnect. To understand more about grounding, check out this website where it explains how:
The Earth is a massive reservoir of negatively charged free electrons. Without a connection to this reservoir, the cells in our body are unable to balance the positive charge which results from things like electron-deficient free radicals. The effect of excess positive charge in the blood can be seen very clearly by the way in which the cells are attracted to clump together (see Scientific Research).
Our modern environment is full of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, from computers, mobile phones & masts, radio & TV broadcasts, WiFi, Bluetooth, power lines, domestic wiring, and other electrical appliances. This electromagnetic radiation induces voltages in our bodies, disrupting the trillions of subtle electrical communications which are a vital part of the function of our body's systems. By being grounded to the Earth we greatly reduce the levels of these induced voltages, as we are then effectively shielded by the Earth's large electrical mass.
I am a big believer that the natural world provides us with all that we need, that for every illness or dis ease we undergo there is a natural remedy to be found to heal us. Modern medicine may offer quick relief, but in the end it prolongs our suffering, as mostly only the effects have been addressed, leaving the root of the illness still imbedded within us.
Natural healing, takes time, because we are treating the whole, connecting with the root of our dis ease. With true healing, we develop a greater understanding about ourselves. Just as we travel deep to connect with the root of our illness , we travel deep and connect also with ourselves. When you choose to treat yourself naturally, you are choosing to take responsibility for your own well being. The natural path, is one that encompasses all aspects of your life, as time and time again it proves how everything is connected!

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Love your healing journey and taking responsibility for your own health! You have bought clarity to holistic natural healing and once again your post works towards empowering others just as you have empowered yourself - Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
Ah thank you @porters, it's always such a pleasure to have you visit me and my posts. xxx
Like you, I was raised by my parents, believing that only modern medicine was the solution to all ills. As I grew up, I realized that not only could modern medicine help me improve my health, but alternative medicine as well. I congratulate you for your good content and I hope to continue reading more content like this.
thanks so much, I am happy to hear that you are on the natural medicine path xx
Do you believe in the Atom Theory ?
What's that?
I'm going to have to re educate myself about that xxx
Beautiful - so glad you wrote another response and keep writing! You were definitely called to the path early. Been out walking on the beach in the rain this morning, thinking of how the earth has always called me, from when I was a girl, like you, and how it always provides the answers if only you listen. A beautiful post.
right there, that is your connection, straight to the source. Mama nature is what connects us all,no matter where you are or where you are from. You always have that, we just need to be mindful of others that's all xx love you xxx
So beautiful and inspiring to read. I decided to heal myself in a natural way years ago, it's still a journey but I'm so grateful I'm on this path. Still so much to learn though.
yes always learning. Thank you for your support and hope the move is going well xx
ahh,your post is very peaceful and informative
take appreciation and love @trucklife-family
Thank you, I'm feeling the love xx