Breaking Patterns - Poetry N Words!

in Natural Medicine4 years ago


Breaking patterns
shifting pain
opening up, to regain.

Heightened senses,
take the lead,
to shift blame.

Acknowledging self,
rediscovering my way,
taking the initiative
embracing each day!

Finding my voice
amongst the thorns,
healing my trauma,
as I surf these waves,
of powerful emotions
that bury me within this cave,
of hidden memories
buried deep,
I reach out
and find my feet,
sinking down
into this heat,
that melts away
the world I once knew.
I open up
and find myself anew!

So much chaos continues to occur within my life, preparing me for what is to come? Pushing me to my limits so that I am stronger. So that I reach the very bottom once again and find the strength that propels me back to the top.

Who knows where these recent events will led us, who knows what is the end game. Life is challenging and so feckin hard at times, but then that struggle is what makes us shine all the brighter.
That is what I keep telling myself, that within these dark moments, we are the light.

Lately, I have a daily struggle, something that triggers me and sends me back to a time, when I felt so hopeless and alone. But I am anything but that, at the moment. I have my tribe around me, but yet that trigger is there and I am finding my way in which to best deal with it.

Returning to a place of power, reconnecting with this feeling that pulls me down.

So I continue, who knows what each new day will bring. I know that nothing stays the same, that everything changes and so do I with it. I am not the same person I was yesterday and I am now a better version of myself, even if I feel totally exhausted.

I am trying to take responsibility for my reactions, to break patterns, so that I can move forward into a place of love and understanding. It will no doubt be a long process, but I need to do it, I want to!



I really needed this. For a while I've been feeling overwhelmed and my head can't help itself but get back to those dark moments, and all I want to do is distract myself but I know that is not the solution and I have to take action every day at a time.

It definitely is a process, and yeah I too want to get better, feel less alone, less overwhelmed...

Knowing that I am not the only one going through the same sort of lesseness the loneliness if only for a bit.

 4 years ago  

Thank @my-musings, I think a lot of us are experiencing challenging times right now, you are not alone xxxx

Excellent congratulations, I loved the poem. Writing is a way to drain and let go of those feelings that many times as you rightly point out can drive you crazy or steal your peace. Life is not easy and for some people it is harder than for others, however it all has to do with the way in which we assume our responsibilities and especially our attitude towards that which takes away our balance. I understand well those feelings you express and for me writing has always been a way of letting go or celebrating life. Strength, even if the wind is strong, may your tribe be the trunk that keeps the tree of your life standing.

 4 years ago  

Yes writing has always been like therapy for me, here is to more balance xx