Health: Routine medical check-up that should not be postponed. It is convenient to do a chakra alignment:
Love: Very deep conversations. Strengthening love. New goals, plans. Hopes renewed.
Singles: Enough of the same. Change your thinking so that you modify your reality, only then will you be happy.
Important words for Leo: Repetition, lies, frustration, determination.
During the week: You will bond with someone who is in the military or works in that field. Be cautious around that person. You will feel that you do not have the time or the resources to do what you have to do. At certain times you will experience a dejavu. Things are repeated. A spiritual cleansing or refreshing would be ideal. Take care of your achievements, protect your heritage. You will feel frustration. Do not believe everything they tell you, because a portion is a lie, ask for discernment and common sense. You will receive financial help from someone in your family. You want to travel or move to a place, but it will take time to do so. You forget important things, make an agenda or list with the necessary notes.
Health: Very good, but you have to be careful. The elderly of this sign will have discomfort in the arms and hands. The consumption of substances that oxygenate the brain is recommended.
Love: Old things come to light, past grudges. They must speak up and finish that stage. Sensuality and eroticism.
Singles: You will be so busy that you will leave love in a second or third place.

Important words for Virgo: Prosperity, roots, honesty, speed.
During the week: Do not deny your roots, they are very important and you must have roots to be able to prosper in the present and in the future. Someone will be honest and compliant with you. A major change is coming to your life. Analyze your new circumstances so that you make the most of them. At the beginning of the week a blessing comes to you, expressed in money and something of value. You will feel supported, appreciated, you will see that you can trust someone. You are separated from a woman whom you love or appreciate a lot, due to a gossip related to the management of money or resources, so analyze well what is true and what is a lie. Two men realize the start of a business or project. You will have important news from a woman in your family who lives far away. You will remember intensely a trip you made long ago; If it's something that causes you pain, try to put that behind you.
Health: Strength and mental clarity that amaze you. Try sunbathing, activate your DNA.
Love: You will speak sincerely and honestly to heal what is hurt.
Singles: You have a beautiful, sincere and tender love.

Important words for Libra: Restlessness, good advice, beginnings, strength, bad decisions, stubbornness.
During the week: Although you are restless and in a hurry, this week it is not wise to make important decisions or start projects, it is better to wait a little for things to settle down and you can objectively see the environment and circumstances. It is convenient to hear advice from good friends or older people who love you well. If you take a break, you will have more time to analyze everything and know whether or not to start an activity; Anyway, you are already in a process of profound change that will take its own pace and time. Ask for divine guidance so that you have the strength and intelligence to make a good choice. If you see that something has a lot of obstacles, do not insist or be stubborn, that is not convenient for you, save your strength for something that is worthwhile. There is a true friend who cares about you and vindicates you in front of another person. The universe will be generous with you this week, as you will receive financial support and various resources thanks to the intervention of a man who appreciates you very much. This can lead to envy, jealousy and ill will in other people, especially a woman with light-colored hair or colored locks, who will object to you receiving these benefits, but will not be successful in her intrigue. After Wednesday you will have a walk, an outing or excursion that you will fully enjoy, you will feel blissful, content. If you take a trip towards the end of the week, it will be fruitless because you will lose your time and money as well. Pet disobedience bothers you a lot. Be careful with your nails because they can break or chip and it will be painful. Do not lend money to a young man, you will lose it.
Health: In general good health, but if you get sick, analyze well what teaching that disease is giving you. Discomfort in your eyes. For some people of this sign, they will feel very strongly the beginning of a vital stage, (menopause, andropause, old age), so to stay active and prepare for the changes that are coming.
Love: Third party interference. A woman tries to spoil the relationship. By staying sincere and honest, the relationship will grow stronger and flourish again.
Singles: Not only the depth of thought and the way of being can make another person fall in love, your personal appearance is very important if you want to find a partner, so take care of your appearance, clean yourself better, wear clean clothes, perfume yourself, style your hair beautifully. It is good that you leave the past behind, what happened has already happened.
Important words for Scorpio: Weakness of character, orientations, hidden interests, warning.
During the week: Your weakness of character can hurt you a lot this week. You have to value yourself more and put your interests and opinions ahead of what someone else wants, as long as you do not harm someone else. There is a man who approaches you and has a hidden interest that is sexual in nature, be careful, you are warned because it may be towards you or towards someone in your family. Focus on your inner light and assert your rights and your ideas. This will be very positive and will turn the situation around in your favor. You will think a lot about an adverse event that you experienced, try to process this and overcome it. Be careful with an infidelity, because you will see someone who will attract you strongly. You will receive support, an accolade from a man of power who is very concerned to help you. This week romantic love takes center stage in your life. From Wednesday to Thursday you will receive a blessing, a very positive luck. You will achieve part of your personal goals and you will fulfill something that you had promised. You will receive a surprise that will leave you speechless.
Health: Good, especially if you do physical activity, since all your systems are strengthened. Older people of this sign should take care of falls and attend the specialist they need, (ophthalmologist, neurologist, etc.). You find out about the death of an acquaintance.
Love: Beautiful week, flowering, love, tenderness, delivery. You will do your best to attend to your partner, but beware of infidelities. There are those who will get pregnant.
Singles: Cupid will arrow you this week. You will find what you have been looking for.
Important words for Sagittarius: Worries, losses, evidence, property, guidance.
During the week: Complicated period with certain confrontations and material losses that you will have to overcome, but to avoid the negative as much as possible, you can transmute and ask for spiritual guidance. Lean on friends linked to the legal field to overcome as best as possible the tests that are presented to you. Choose and think well who you give your love to, ask yourself objectively if they really deserve it and if they will repay you in the same way. Remember that when we are in a couple it is to have a relationship that enriches and benefits in a bidirectional way, that is the ideal. You will feel that you have wasted time and energy on something that was not worth it. You want to carry out an activity that could be very prosperous, but you have had a lot of opposition and obstacles to developing it. In case you have offered or promised something, either on an earthly or spiritual level, comply with that, follow through as this may be affecting you. Progress. Family dispute due to a material issue, hidden grudges and diverse interests that emerge, affect you and make you sad. You will hang out or share with someone you have a lot of affection for, but you will find that they are not totally honest with you.
Health: Women of this sign will have very strong gynecological complaints. Men should beware of respiratory conditions. Possible bedsores and rosettes on the skin
Love: You can lose what you have, be it the love of a partner who truly loves you or your own love and respect, by indulging in thoughtlessness and madness. Do not complain later, that the consequences of your bad head will come very soon.
Singles: You have not yet learned from your previous experiences. You have to think things better. Slowness, introspection are necessary.
Important words for Capricorn: Okay, defense, occult, obsession.
During the week: A stubborn and stubborn woman to harm you. To guarantee your well-being and tranquility, you must defend and protect yourself spiritually, mentally, and earthly. One unhealthy comment, said at one point and with the intention of destroying, can be more harmful than 100 guns. You will feel flattered by the generosity and attentions of a person, which produces envy in others. You will be surprised by a demonstration of love and loyalty. It is good to postpone a purchase, investment or starting a business because it will present losses. Slanderous woman that you are going to see or meet physically or virtually (on the networks), and you will know immediately that it is the person who is harming you. At the end of the week you will receive a benefit, a gift that will be useful and pleasant to you.
Health: Good general health. Try as much as possible to improve your diet, try to make it more regular and at fixed times. Foot discomfort.
Love: Lots of negativity and dark energies around you. Ask for divine protection.
Singles: Karma-dharma comes into play.
Important words for Aquarium: Sure success, common sense, family love, understanding.
During the week: You have within you the strength and intelligence to defeat adversity this week. Common sense and love and loyalty to your family must prevail. Put your feet on the ground. It is quite likely that you will start something new in the next few days. You will have a flash of understanding and intelligence… an epiphany. You will do a major repair remodeling in your home. Try to optimize resources to the maximum so that later you do not fall short. Even if you don't want to, you will ponder and make a decision so you will have to separate yourself from someone or something. Don't worry, sometimes losing is also winning. You will face a difficult and contrary person, you can defeat him. Project or activity that begins with great strength and a good star. By the weekend you will receive excellent news.
Health: Very good, fortress. You become aware of the importance of taking care of yourself, having good habits and preventing any disease.
Love: Even if they try to harm your relationship, and despite the deep differences between the two, love will prevail.
Singles: Buenas perspectivas en el amor.
Important words for Pisces: Thoughts, traps, delays, troubles, discussions.
During the week: A lot of caution this week, both in what you speak, what you think and what you do. Meditate well if there is something in which someone else could harm you, because it marks hidden traps, agreements that others can make behind your back. Ask for lighting and vision. You are considering joining or accepting someone's offer, but you need more time to have more information and to know all the edges of the situation. They arbitrarily take away a benefit that you received regularly. You will try to get it back, but it is difficult for you to do so. You will feel abandoned or find out about the abandonment of a woman. You will know about the mourning of a close person. You are distressed by things that you have not yet finished or cannot achieve.
Health: Good health, however you have a pending check-up, try to do it this week. It would be good if you applied an energy cleansing to achieve greater well-being.
Love: You will feel judged excessively and unfairly. Possible risk of separation. Discussions.
Singles: Attraction activated. You meet a very beautiful person.
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El horóscopo de la semana, nunca me cansaré de decirlo es muy bueno y exacto, gracias por traernos este horóscopo cada semana.
¡Oh, que hermosas palabras, amiga @actioncats!
Gracias @Tarot911 por compartir con nosotros cada semana este horóscopo, es preciso, besos.
Sí, @actioncats, trato de hacerlo lo más completo posible para que los lectores tengan el máximo de información. Gracias por pasar por aquí. Un abrazo.
Gracias, gracias, gracias @Tarot911 por traernos siempre este horóscopo con sus hermosos y delicados dibujos y tan acertado, ya forma parte de la comunidad comunidad que nunca nos falte.
Un gran abrazo, @actioncats espero poder seguir publicándolo, ojalá la energía eléctrica y el Internet me acompañen, porque últimamente están muy irregulares. Besos y bendiciones para tí y los tuyos.
Gracias Fe por el horóscopo semanal, bendiciones y abrazos siempre. <3
Gracias a tí, Johnny por pasar a visitarme y leer mi publicación semanal, es un gesto que me reconforta, porque sé que lo lees. Igualmente bendiciones y abrazos para tí, en toda dimensión, tiempo y universo.
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