
For sure. Here is a small selection to be getting on with. I probably have most if not all in pdf format. If you need/want, send me a message on Bee Chat with your Telegram or email:

The Presence Process by Michael Brown
Who am I? - The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramam Maharshi
Stillness Speaks - Eckhart Tolle
“Bhagavad-gita As It Is” by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
The Ultimate Medicine - Nisagadartta
No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth - Ken Wilbur
The Prophet - Khalil Gibran
Grow Rich with Peace of Mind - Napoleon Hill
The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield (and it's sequels, The 10th, 11th & 12th Insight)
The Way of The Superior Man - David Deida
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
Anatomy of the Spirit - Caroln Myss
The School for Gods - Stefano D'Anna

Nice, thanks! I've read the Bhagavad-Gita, but that's the only one on that list. This will keep me reading for a while. Thank you again.

You're welcome brother. Reading is one thing though, practice is another.
Most important is sitting in silence. The Presence Process (top of the list) includes a 15 minute twice daily sitting practice. I highly recommend this, perhaps as your first read.
Please keep me updated and/or ask any questions. I have plenty more to share,

Definitely, I do try to practice daily meditation. It's usually 5 to 10 minutes for me due to time restrictions. I made a post about it here which was accidentally on my wife's a account haha. But I'll keep trying to bring it up to 15 or 20 minutes. It all depends what time I can leave work. Reading has really helped bring me on this journey, specifically the book, A Path with Heart.

I will read your post. Thanks.

On awakening and just before sleeping are best times to meditate. You'll likely find after some time (probably months or more) of twice daily consistent practice, that less sleep is required, so one can get up earlier ti be sure of enough time for morning practice at least.

But, sitting still can be very challenging. As Michael Brown says in another book Alchemy of the Heart:

"When we deliberately anchor an aspect of our awareness in the present moment through a not-doing like consciously connected breathing, the unconscious energetic circumstance that once addictively absorbed this aspect of our awareness first rises into our field of experience as unfamiliar and uncomfortable physical sensations, then as convincing mental stories, and finally as fearful, angry, and grieving emotional signatures."

And this is good, as we need to feel those emotional signatures to be able to integrate (heal) them.

What a great quote, that's exactly the journey ive been going through. I've suppressed my emotions my entire life and only recently did I let them come up to my consciousness. It has made me very uncomfortable but knowing that I'm in the present moment, and that I can identify what I'm feeling at that time is so much further than I have ever been. I'll start trying to see if I can get up earlier, or maybe at least do it before my work day begins. Thank you for the quote.

I read your meditation post Thanks fir sharing. I nearly added Marshall Rosenburg's Speaking Peace to the list btw.

Ah of course he wrote more books haha, I didn't even think about looking into that.