Like you I had also heard nothing in my life about brushing with soap. Amazing how the simplest solution to a problem (dirty teeth) can remain hidden from us for so long! Well, we got there in the end ;)
What I would say about sugar is this:
Our body needs sugar to run and processed sugar is fine to give us an extra kick, but you still have to be conscious of what other ingredients are coming with that sugar. If you are eating candies, chocolates & biscuits for example it is very likely they have ingredients which are not good for you. My advice is to either buy very selectively, looking for all natural, organic ingredients only, or make the goodies yourself! This way you know with certainty what the ingredients are.
I think soap brushing will be a good start for you. If the infection comes again you will find plenty of great advice from other people under this post. You could try rinsing your mouth with colloidal silver on a regular basis. This is actually really effective. Personally when I feel an infection coming (increased pain which throbs all the time) I chew on a few cloves over the course of a few days and EVERY time, the pain/infection goes. I actually mentioned this to my ex-dentist and he told me I was imagining it. Haha!