Ahh little you sounds like little pixie. She used to hide behind me every time an adult looked at her. Maybe little you really needed what she got which was being allowed to hide til she was good and ready to come out and say hi (which was usually about 10min before everyone was leaving XD).
Owch, being terminated like that is pretty bloody rough, no wonder it hit you hard.
Glad getting it off your chest was cathartic! Is it helping with the processing?

Maybe that's why we get along so famously! I'm just happy for pixietrix that she got what I feel our kind deserves. Some people carry on the cycle because that's what they experienced in the past, but that just impedes progress. You've always been a shining beacon and your kids are lucky to have you as their mum!
It's a slow process, but I'm getting there. My first runs with Steemit were also meant to serve as catharsis, but most of the time I was coming from the wrong place, mentality-wise. Trying to not make the same mistake this time around.
It is a slow process and as you probably know from experience already, you're going to backslide probably quite a lot, but the main thing is to keep climbing and learning :)
You posted into a community so there's a good start already ;D
When my good buddy, Fyn-dawg, says to come back to Steem but it’s not Steem anymore it’s Hive. That’s what I do.
When she says be active in a community, you know how it is 😆
Just want to make sure you're in a good position to make new friends ;D there seems to be more people around the place so it's both harder and easier to find interesting ones now.
The days are coming and going like a blur. I wish I could dedicate the same amount of time that I did before. Minus the burnout, of course.
BTW haven’t been able to search for one, but is there a mobile app to read Hive posts yet?
Sounds like getting old XD
Yeh don't burnout those are bad.
I usually just used the peakd site on my phone, it's slightly glitchy (as in sometimes I seem to somehow trigger the post button because I touched an area in the genreal vicinity) but at least I can see the whole post (because as you know sometimes I like to quote stuff, but mostly because especially for longer posts my non-existent short-term memory means I need to keep referring back).
Ecency (rebranded esteem) is solid, only reason I don't use it more is because they inject "too many" (I have an extremely low tolerance so one is too many x_x) "promoted" posts into my feed and I really, really hate stuff appearing that I didn't explicitly put there (especially when they're "promoted").
There's another one called dapplr which looks pretty but I think it's only on Android so haven't looked at it.
Ohhhh so eSteem had a facelift! Nice. I'll check it out.
I've been diving deep into mobile apps during my time away, so I might try my hand at creating a reader 🤓