I greatly appreciate your perspective.
The whole Gates topic has been an incredibly polarizing one. I confess to have spent more time on the conspiratorial side, though have recently been questioning how much of it is just plain wrong.
I’ve seen so many presentations that use one of the primary pillars of their argument against him as the Ted Talk, where conclusions are drawn that he “admits” to a depopulation agenda. Sadly to admit, at one point, I actually probably bought int that. Though with time and wisdom, it is blatantly obvious what a total logical fallacy that is, his words being taken completely out of context, twisted, and distorted to suit a biased narrative.
Having seen that one faulty argument alone, I’ve questioned how much of the rest must be faulty.
I mean, surely the Gates Foundation has done tremendous good for people in third world countries. Including the taboo vaccine programs. Perhaps we in the modernized world take our sanitation for granted, where we cannot even fathom the horrific impact diseases have have in African countries - and the positive impact that certain vaccination programs have actually had there.
Though, we’ve come across contradictory information such as Kennedy raises here... and how do we navigate reconciling the disparity? Certainly, these aren’t figures to be ignored. And with both the amount of vaccine injuries worldwide and corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, it’s healthy to be asking questions.
I think we’re due for a maturation on BOTH sides.
Rallying against Gates as evil clearly is not a mature response and doing anyone good in getting to progressive discussion where we can properly assess what’s actually happening. Surely, there are valid scientific reasons for his advocacy, and vaccines HAVE worked successfully in spite of the industry corruption and collateral damage in the course of their development. It’d be silly to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Though then again, there are doctors and scientists with facts available that Kennedy is basing these statements on. (Updated post with link at bottom to website that has a number of them).
Yet, the valid concerns of people who are shocked by evidence suggesting dangers cannot be brushed aside either.
There is such polarization, that people have been overrun by fear and emotion, unable to think critically and clearly.
And then of course, there is the large issue of CONSENT. Many fear mandatory/forced vaccinations, which would certainly be a violation of personal rights. Especially with something as new as a CV vaccine, it is still an experimental medicine without the proper years of testing - and it is atrocious to force such a thing on people. So we ARE justified in having a strong reaction to such potentials. Yet, to react so extremely, writing off Gates and everything he has to do with as evil is sheer stupidity as well.
In the midst of watching the Netflix series, “Inside Bill’s Brain.” Such a paradigm-shattering reality check, providing a glimpse into the HUMAN and his service to humanity done through the foundation...
It sucks to confess I’ve been so biased to the conspiratorial side, I haven’t even looked at the other until now. And it’s incredible sad, being aware of millions of people who are rallying against him, completely discrediting all the good he’s done, simply based on misunderstandings and cognitive bias.
Though of course, as a human, he has his shadow side too. And maybe there are some elements of darker truth weaves into some of the conspiracies. Though based on an objective, logical look at all the facts on both sides, I’d probably have to say I was wrong about him - as are all those still demonizing him without even considering the immense amount of information outside the limited scope of the conspiracies they’ve heard.
Such massive topics...