I would like to invite you to consider and contemplate co-creation on planet Earth:
We are in a co-created reality. When we decide to consciously manifest our reality, the most important aspect of conscious manifestation is that we stop letting others (including our programs) dictate our experience here on Earth through externally imposed narratives.
What does this mean?
It means that we stop being “reactive”, and start being “proactive” in what we choose to experience here on a moment to moment basis. We basically stop “blaming” others,“expecting others” (including “the universe” or our programs) to dictate our experiences.
There are various levels of creation and co-creations we are all involved in. These levels require different dynamics of engagement.
At the moment, for example, we have the Covid-19 situation on the planet. We can experience this filled with stress, fear and triggers, or we can decide to choose our feelings and experiences, seeing it as an amazing opportunity to create a reality we want.
Our environment, and the people in it, will change through the months and years as it absorbs and integrates our own chosen narrative of reality experience. In other words, as we choose the high frequency narrative it is directly reflected in our environment. It can sometimes seem slow to show, but it does show. And this showing has more to do with the ability for us to see it. Often it is already manifested, but it takes us a while to see it or connect to it. Often, what happens when someone is manifesting unconsciously is that they are the ones who are recruited into other people’s co-creations and it is those person’s who dictate the frequency level of those creations. As a high frequency being, a conscious being, a being with an expanded awareness, we are by default more powerful at co-creating realities than those who are passively used to create other people’s reality.
An example could be that a person insults you overtly or covertly. You start to feel angry, sad, vulnerable, betrayed, fearful, etc.. This is an example of someone else dictating what you experience here as your life. You can then ask yourself, “do I allow this person to dictate my experience here on Earth at this moment?” If you say, “no”, suddenly their words become powerless. If you say “yes” then you will have some very low-frequency minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years… until you say “no”.
When something feels dissonant it is because we are being pushed into an experience that does not fit into our chosen frequency. That push may come from internal programs, or from external influences, in other words, it can be a conscious or unconscious choice of frequency.
We often give lip service to what we want to manifest, but everything we do is opposite to getting that particular “choice” manifested into our lives. Once we realize this, we can then take actions to solidify and let other co-creators know, that we are moving ahead with actions that support our words or conceived “choices” rather than doing stuff that is opposite to that creation.
This one is hard because often our programs dictate what we pursue in life. Saying, for example, that we want a new job, and only sending our CV to jobs we are extremely unqualified to do, is a way to deny or sabotage that “desire”.
Let’s remember that ALL manifestation on this planet is created with and delivered by other people. It is all about being part of the human collective. Choose your allies carefully.
Thank you for reading!
With love,
Wow! Now I'm really becoming a fan.
You have clearly found a center of serenity and are striving to share that with the world. Word up!
As someone driven to help others open their minds to undiscovered potentials and possibilities and become more proactive in their personal success by promoting community success, I am going to greatly enjoy following your work and sharing it with others.
Blessed Be.
Thank you for reading my thoughts in this article.
I appreciate that you wrote me back, commenting.
If you feel that whatever I deliver can help others, it will be amazing to share.
It feels good to have someone with your mindset around.
With love and 80% alignment today,
@regenerette hugs you
Like a radio we can tune into the channel we want to be on. Thanks for sharing.
If this was of any help to you, then my heart feels so happy!@an-man, yes!
Yes it is helpful. Thanks
I am so glad!
Oh, I love this! And I fully support your perspectives here. The more people increase their awareness of the reality they're creating for themselves and others, the better we'll all function as a species. Therein lies our greatest power.
Really awesome post, thank you and great blessings!
From time to time I come in naturalmedicine.io and post. And, whenever I do this, I want to be able to offer something to the community.
I'll be back again with more gifts from the heart, openness, and love.
I am hugging you all!Thank you for reading, for your feedback, and for the "loving curation trail". @drrune @naturalmedicine
Yes!!!! I'm "choosing my allies" by following you. Look forward to reading more. :)
You saw that ending part!
In fact, I stand for non-duality, but there are things that can no longer serve our purpose, such as lower frequencies of thoughts, losing time to worry, stress, spending time with people that don't really need our guidance, support, but just our energy for the moment HAHA! to feed or pet their ego, ...anyway, these allies can take different shapes...
I've followed you, too!
Have you studied Krishnamurti? He came to mind immediately when you mentioned non-duality. Who are your teachers? ...
I often try to change how I feel about interactions that don't suit me, which sets up a conflict in myself, of course. Or, I work to accept the negativity, because doesn't the Whole include the negative? Isn't negativity an arbitrary human judgement, a way that we impose duality on wholeness?
The idea of choosing that which resonates, as a creative act, is something I need to consider and practice. And I probably need to give myself permission to choose. I guess choosing a particular quality of experience does mean that I am against all other experience. The idea that choosing one means I'm necessarily against others is probably some kind of duality programming. There's just an assumption of opposing pairs, or, the idea that the way we make a choice is by being against what we don't want.
Well, perhaps I went into the weeds there. Anyway, glad to see you on Hive and NM.
I haven't studied him. I have read some of his writings, see some videos, but I never study. I just get in contact with info and see if I want to integrate it into my behavior or not. If it stands in my system of beliefs, if it challenges and gives me a new acceptance and optics that I test and fit me, then yes.
I have, though....studied life...a lot.
Let me know if you need digital resources of any kind. I have a huge digital library.
Whatever we are sent to experience might be something we have already projected. And as we project things, with our thoughts, that sends out a signal ....the signal brings back the same frequency we have sent...The more we stand at the edge of the hour between dog and wolf, the more we shall experience duality.
I'll be around more after next week for another 3 weeks and we can talk more, after 1-2 of May. For now, I am just posting, answering some comments, and congruently following a personal path with my life outside Hive.
As usual, I'm a little late to the party. Just getting around to reading this. There are some parts I didn't completely understand - for instance your reference to high-frequency and low-frequency, although I found your use of "frequency" apropos. I have never read any of the authors you or your other followers/commentors mention. Just - like you - experience and think a lot about life. I truly believe our "souls" or "individual self-awareness" are a form of energy similar to light/radiation but which we cannot (yet) detect or measure other than as we observe through our interactions with and experiences of each other, and as such each has it's own unique frequency (and can't be destroyed - can only be changed). But I wasn't certain that's what you meant.
Anyway, I found your post illuminating and heart-warming, and I look forward to reading more!
Excellent observation!
Thank you for reading.
My opinion is that the events themselves don't have a specific energy, each, per se. It's rather the impact we allow them to have upon us, our thoughts, and what we manifest in actions, as well.
If this article helped you, I am very glad.
I will come back and write more about it. It has taken me many years to refuse to read anything on Energy and just feel how it functions for me, in my life, and notice where it leads me, how it changes me. I have started working with energy for healing a few years back. Yes, you can manipulate it and lead it towards +ositive aspects of your life and create what you desire, and envision. I am not a magician...I am human, so there are loops, ups, and downs, progression, regression...you get it.
Thank you so much for reading, commenting, engaging, and for the follow. I will follow you back now and I hope to see your around again!
I love your post. Yes conscious co creating is missing in the world by most people in my judgement.
Being whole also means owning that I create my own reality and not buying into fear.
If more of us attempted to create in this way The world would be a much better place
Thank you for reading this article and I appreciate your feedback.
I hope to see you around again and I'll be following you back.
Thank you very much
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I see you use the "Deep Dream Generator"...I've not done much with it in some time now.
Perhaps I should revisit the site
Yes, feel revisit the site and see if you can use it again.
I also used Healy and have to unpack it again and use it for sleep, health, spinal ache, and more.
Why wouldn't I be able to use it again? Has something changed that I wouldn't be able to log in with my old link?
I thought "Healy" was a type of shoe with a roller in the heal, so you could sort of roller blade around.
I have a LOT of spinal issues, I have a TENS unit, but because I live alone, I can't reach the places I need to put the electrodes for best results.
I gave up to it a while back when I tried using something else.
As for Healy, it is a device I got for free, even its subscription and I am sorry I made a huge pause in using it. I'll get to it again at least for my back pain and put the electrodes.I am much better with my sleep.
I am sorry you have nobody to help you to put the electrodes on your back. What i liked about Healy is that it has some other things for the pain for hands and ears, to reduce pain in all the body...besides the electrodes.
Here is some info
How did you get it for free?
Nope, not going there