Goodbye 2020... Hello 2021

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

Title image created using Gimp with these two images from pixabay - 1 & 2

Let’s face it, 2020 has been a difficult one for everyone. With a pandemic ravaging the world while humankind reacts in its inimitable style - weaving chaos from crisis, breeding conflict from fear - you could be excused for locking down and throwing away the key 😂

But wait a minute, hang that key back on its nail, a new year is starting and that means... a new you!

In all seriousness though, that is a pile of BS straight out of the inspirational writers' handbook. I'm not really interested in following any thematic formula in writing. It leads to repeated epithets, cliché and often unrealistic goals. There is only one way to make fundamental changes in your personality and that is to recognize that personality is only a construct. But that is a subject for another time and blog.

In the case of self-healing the formulaic approach is much more effective. Over the last 6 years of trying to find answers to heal my chronic illness I've come to learn that following a formula is the only way to tick off what doesn't work from a long list of potential remedies. It is also important (when western medical doctors have written you off) to figure out the puzzle of what is going on, especially in the little understood area of chronic gut conditions.

Perhaps in puzzling through this endless jigsaw of home remedies, supplement regimes and mind-work I might stumble across something that actually helps. One thing is for certain, and it is the only thing that you can be certain of with a chronic illness, I will never give up.

Tomorrow will mark a new year and new health goals. A new piece of the jigsaw puzzle to be placed, and maybe 🤞 the piece that completes the picture.

2021 Healing Puzzle.jpg
Image created using Gimp with these two images from pixabay - 1 & 2

I've done a lot of research over the last 4 years. Too much to detail here unless I still want to be writing at midnight and into 2021 🤣

If you want to read more about SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and the problems it can cause, please check out the posts linked below.

My SIBO Story (part 1) - What is SIBO & How it has Effected Me

My SIBO Story (part 2) - The Elemental (Mental) Diet - 3 Weeks Without Food

My SIBO Story (part 3) - After The Elemental (Mental) Diet - Plans for Natural Healing

The crux of my 2021 protocol revolves around the idea that I may be suffering from what is called leaky gut, along with a more generalized imbalance of my digestive system and inflammatory response. This has lead to severe fatigue and muscular symptoms recently, which have convinced me that this imbalance has lead to my immune system becoming unbalanced.

Before anyone gets worried about self-diagnosis etc, I have no choice but to figure this out myself as the head of the gastroenterology department at my local hospital has now declared my condition as Idiopathic, which is just a fancy way of saying they don't have a clue. I have no choice but to try and treat myself... or give up.

The supplement regime I have undertaken is based on a logical progression (based on years of research) that the gut has six foundations for normal function. Without all of these functioning at least well, the others become out of whack and the system starts fighting against itself.

The most important foundations are the mucosa and the microbiome. The microbiome is more commonly known as good bacteria (probiotics). But in the case of SIBO we have an overgrowth of bacteria in a place it shouldn't be, the small intestine. Often, people with severe (long term) gut conditions don't tolerate probiotics well and supplementing with them causes symptoms to flare up. In this case it is important to start slow, and in some cases it may take years to restore the microbiome.

The puzzle of the microbiome is infinitely more complex than you may think. It is not a case of good or bad bacteria, but rather everything in its right place and right amount. Think of it like a battlefield where the good guys (in a healthy person) have the upper hand. The good bacteria live in the places (usually large intestine and to a lesser extent the stomach) where they can do the most good (producing enzymes and eating toxic materials) and at the same time prevent bad bacteria from overgrowing. But without the other functions of the gut working (sufficient stomach acid, enzymes, motility etc), things can very quickly become unbalanced.

20201231_141805.jpgA reminder stuck to my wall

As my handwriting is so bad, I will outline the six foundations along with what I am doing to try to redress the balance.

  1. The microbiome - eating moderate amounts of fermented foods with 1-2 meals/day.

  2. Stomach acid - I will be drinking apple cider vinegar (which increases stomach acid levels) 30 mins before one meal/day.

  3. Digestive enzymes - I will be taking a broad spectrum (mix) of digestive enzymes with each meal and a specific strong lactase one prior to any lactose heavy food/drinks. The body produces over 800 enzymes and some of the enzymes that govern digestion are partially produced by good bacteria. The logic behind enzyme supplementation is that it allows the body to prioritize production of other enzymes to counteract inflammation. It is essentially like taking the load off while your body figures out how to heal the imbalance.

  4. Bile flow - Bile acts as a cleaning agent in the small intestine, essentially flushing out bacteria from a place it is not meant to be. I will be drinking digestive bitters (which promote the production of stomach acid, bile and other digestive enzymes) 30 minutes prior to every meal and possibly supplementing with Ox bile if necessary.

  5. Motility - this is the one area I am fairly certain I don't have a problem with. But, once my fatigue improves I shall implement an exercise regime to help maintain proper motility (how fast the food moves through your digestive system). Also, I am practicing daily morning yoga that is beneficial to motility.

  6. The Mucosa - This is an odd one. The mucosa is essentially the home where your digestive bacteria live. It also regulates and maintains healthy (or not) cell walls of your intestine. To try and heal leaky gut it is essential to add things that support and encourage a healthy gut wall. I shall be taking glutamine with digestive enzymes before each meal and will be taking bentonite clay right before bed each evening (for a week at a time alternating with a week off) to help remove toxins and heal the mucosa.

And that is it...

Source Giphy

😂 If you have any gut issues please don't hesitate to ask me questions in the comments below.

I will answer them as best I can in the new year.

Happy New Year Hive 🍾🍻


All images used in this post are modified from creative commons license sources, credited beneath the image. If you have enjoyed this blog, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar creative content. Thank you.



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What a journey, Rowan. And harrowing. Not that I have issues, really, but I have found that the more natural the diet, the better one's overall sense of wellbeing. And, for the last 6 months, we have eaten home made bread and mostly sourdough. The difference is huge.

Be well and strength in this ongoing quest

Thanks Fiona.

To be honest it gets to me if I think about it too much. The trick is to figure out some type of plan of action like this when the frustration boils over and then stick to it while trying not to fixate on whether it is actually helping. Stress kicks all gut conditions into overdrive and after trying to live with, and figure out, this stuff for over 4 years... its stressful even hoping that something might (or might not) work.

I'll never give up though. Just gotta keep a sensible perspective and keep meditating etc.

Best wishes for the new year.
Take care

 4 years ago  

What a journey you have been on with all of this! I so appreciate the methodical approach you have taken to try to crack the code to your own personal wellness, and that you have often been so open in sharing. I can only imagine how many other people have had similar struggles and disappointments while on their own road. Sending some more of those good gut vibes your way as you enter a new phase in treatment. 💚

Hi @plantstoplanks and Happy new year 🙂

I so appreciate the methodical approach you have taken to try to crack the code to your own personal wellness, and that you have often been so open in sharing.

Thanks. Yes, I always try to write my thoughts honestly in a blog post (however uninspiring that might be lol)... but hope that there is enough facts and knowledge in these types of health related posts that someone who stumbled across them with similar issues might find something they could try, and maybe find healing.

At the moment I'm finding this onslaught of supplements a bit much if I'm truthful, my body isn't reacting very well and I think I might have to tone it down on the vitamins I've been taking as so often supplements have fillers/bulking agents which can cause issues when you're taking loads of them. Gonna give it another 7 days though as it might just need a little time.

Have a great new years eve whatever you're doing 🙂

 4 years ago  

That is one of the challenges, isn't it? Not just the proper supplements, but the right dose, as well. Hope you can nail it down soon and find some relief.

Another celebration at home for me. But really, I don't like going out on New Year's Even anyway. We'll celebrate with some homemade tacos and a little prosecco near midnight. It's a win if I make it all the way to the new year without falling asleep!

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Happy new year

Happy new year David 🙂

 4 years ago  

Health issues are rough. I've spent the last 6 years dealing with back issues that doctors have not helped at all with. I've had a bunch of other issues that I've all managed to connect to the back issues and found massage can cure just about everything, but it's gotta be deep and hurt and you need to maintain good habbits to make sure it doesn't get worse again

Small intestine connects to the outside of the arms so you may find a lot of pain, tightness, and stagnation there, massage it out!! Feel free to send me a message anytime!

I'm sorry to here about your back @whatamidoing. I hope it continues to heal and doesn't give you any more issues.

I appreciate your thoughts and advice. I'll certainly look into it, but I'm not sure that massage alone would solve this. But stress is a massive contributor, and massage would help alleviate that for sure.

I do know that pressure points etc mean there is a lot more that is possible with massage than just stress relief. Right now the level of illness I suffer means I can't work... and unfortunately that means I don't have disposable income to explore alternative therapies. I could only afford the supplements for this protocol because someone gave £50 worth of vouchers for a health shop here in the UK.

I had acupuncture toward the end of a period of extreme back pain (caused by a slipped disc) about 10 years ago and it was the thing that helped the most. Might try doing that as well once I've enough energy to function to make any money.

Small intestine connects to the outside of the arms so you may find a lot of pain, tightness, and stagnation there, massage it out!! Feel free to send me a message anytime!

All of the pain that comes with the chronic fatigue is in my legs and knee joints. I have a dead nerve all the way down my left leg (numb thigh and a little in the calf and the left side of my foot on that side) so I can massage that without feeling much pain. It helps short term.

Thanks for the offer to help. All the best and happy new year 🙂

 4 years ago  

I never massage for stress relief, I massage to stop an irregular heart beat, stomach issues headaches and other random symptoms.

Almost all my massaging I do myself. I went to a few people and learned some things from some of them but most of them were just a fat waste of money and I also spent 4 years without steady income because of these issues. You can do arms and legs yourself and use a tennis or lacrosse ball on the back against the wall or floor.

According to TCM, the legs mostly connect up through the back and the chest, or on the side of the ribs. Sometimes it’s a problem of 2 or 3 channels and the symptoms show up in one channel show up in one organ only.

The point is that it should hurt. If there is no pain, it’s not a very helpful massage. Pain is release, but if it’s done right you can actually feel it releasing, the muscle will relax after you massage through the pain. Be careful with the dead nerve since you can’t pick up on the pain there, anywhere else you’ll have the instinct to stop massaging if it’s too much or awkward.

If you are skeptical or don’t put much faith in this I understand but I stopped a throbbing headache in about 5 minutes this morning so this is not woo woo energy stuff to me. It’s like trigger release but based on an ancient map of the body.

I really hope you feel better this year.


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Happy New Year My Friends 😁

Happy new year theycallmewall 🙂

Hi @raj808:
I have followed your saga with great interest and empathy. As my family has dealt with some strange autoimmune (some quite rare) syndromes, I do a lot of reading.

Please read my latest blog. This blog is the result of much of mainstream research (that is, peer-reviewed journals). One thing you want to do as you take supplements and whatever else it is that you ingest is make sure there are no emulsifiers, thickeners, or any other indigestible additives (such as cellulose) that are commonly used as mediums. Leaky gut, proliferation of damaging microbes (esp R.gnavus), and penetration of the intestinal wall are associated with these additives. Also, a host of autoimmune diseases, including IBD.

My blog could have been a lot longer. If you refer to some of the sources (perhaps you have already in your own research), you may find more information. I had to cut the blog short because people get bored.

I wish you health and peace in the New Year.


Hi @agmoore

Thanks you as always for your thoughtful response. And happy new year.

I took a read of your blog and found it interesting. I think it is important to limit the amount of cellulose I'm taking in supplements for sure. Although one or two of them contain cellulose, most of them don't. I'm considering removing the two that do as they are both vitamins and I should be able to get them from food with some careful modification of diet :)

sry this response is late... I got drunk with my friends on new years eve and have been in bed ever since 😂 That is another thing I'm gonna impliment this year, zero alcohol.

Best wishes for the new year.
Take care

Hello Rowan,
I figured you celebrated for New Years. I do worry (forgive me) about how the binge drinking you sometimes describe in your blogs may affect your precarious health. But I have two kids (probably older than you) and recognize adults make their own decisions in their own good time :))

Happy New Year. No matter the circumstances we have to be determined to have a happy year.

Your virtual friend,


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Happy new year

This feels like a biology class and lecture I just had.
You started the post in an approach that none would have thought they will learn anything from you.
Considering your illness, I haven't heard that before now and I hope to do some research on it to know a little more. It's not really field but I think I should have a little knowledge about it.
And with the way your doctors made it seem like you had no hope at all.
I like the fact that you didn't give up but took it upon yourself to treat yourself and examine yourself on your own.
It shows you never let anything wear you down.
And I like how enthusiastic you are, fun and jovial with your writing.

Thanks for the compliments on my writing zanoz. I try to keep things kinda fun/funny (or at least sarcastic) in the face of adversity. Lol, you know what they say... laughter heals all. I wish that were true 🤣

Best wishes for the new year.
Take care.

It sure does. A happy person lives longer. That's just the logic.
Keep the spirit high.

Happy new year

Best wishes for the new year david.
Take care

I really appreciate you sharing this journey with us all, we can all learn something from your healing, Your dedication is really admirable and inspiring. You certainly are much more aware of your body and how it works that most people. Wishing you al the best my friend.
p.s @trucklife-family here xxxx

Thanks for your kind comment @trucklife-family

It feels like an uphill struggle a lot of the time, but you're right in what you point out that knowing your body, and how it works, is the key to figuring out the metaphorical jigsaw puzzle.

Best wishes for the new year.
Take care