Finally things are popping outside with the warmer Spring weather! But my indoor garden - I'm having a hard time keeping up with the growth! I invested in the ceramic halide grow lights and what a difference they make!
We were still having some freezing temperatures at night so most of my bedding plants are still indoors and some of the things I have growing in containers so I can get an early harvest, like the cucumbers. I planted Cool Breeze cucumbers which are meant for containers and grows small cucumbers. I'm already munching on them - fresh off the vine has a much better taste then store bought ones!
Cool Breeze Cucumber Producing Fruit
I've had a few cherry tomatoes too again much better vine ripened.
Some Red and Yellow Cherry Tomatoes Beginning to Ripen
And the lettuce just keeps growing and growing! I love having fresh picked salad ingredients!
Leaf Lettuce Filling the Pot
Originally I wasn't going to plant anything in the indoor garden that I couldn't maximize my space with then I thought of the things that I was buying in the grocery store that I could grow here. Cucumbers and zucchinis were the two things that came to mind. I like to make zoodles with my zucchini to go with my pesto (I've got lots of basil and some cilantro growing for my pesto.) The cucumber fit in fine but the zucchinis are getting huge and they are just starting to flower. The temperature at night is still too cold and they are awkward to move so here they sit taking up part of the aisle and we just work around them.
Large Zucchini Plant With More Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and a Stevia Plant in the Background
I have one more plant that is growing indoors that I want to share with you before we head out doors.
We have a few cannabis plants that were grown from cuttings. They are still pretty young but growing well.
New Crop of Cannabis
Out doors I have most of my greens garden planted with little lettuce seedlings popping up. I planted out some kale and arugula there too. We have quite a few perennials in this garden - our garlic chives (and regular chives), sweet cicely, some asparagus, haskap bushes,and a plum tree (which is in full bloom and smells oh so sweet - see it in the top picture) on the edge. One corner I leave for my bulbs which also has violets, lilies and columbines growing there.
We have what I call my middle garden that I planted up with peas and beans but nothing is growing there yet.
Greens Garden With Garlic Chives, Perennial Flowers, Sweet Cicely and Haskap in Background
My garlic that I planted last fall came up nicely and is growing well.
JJ in the Garlic Patch
I've got some flowers planted out to add some color and also for the hummingbirds to feed on.
The wild saskatoons are in bloom now along with the pin cherries.
JJ by Chives Along with Petunias and Johny-Jump-Up Flowers
Duck Planter by Blooming Saskatoon Bush
Planter with Calibrachoa and Dahlias, Flowering Saskatoon Bush Behind
That's a wrap for May!
This is my Hive Community Garden Journal Challenge entry that @riverflows took on from @simplymike. Doing any gardening? Share it on Hive and use the #gardenjournal tag.
All photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS

love it. missing those saskatoon berries from the west. they are mainly just planted in the south where I am this season. your garden is looking great!
Looking fantastic, Love how you just drop the cannabis plant inside😂
Looks great. Nice post.
Love seeing your garden starting. Saw your Calibrachoa planted out and wondered, as you'd said you still had freezing temps...
I had just put them out prepared to cover them if I needed too and I'm glad I did for they do so much better when they are not crammed in their little pots.
I have never heard of growing weed from clippings before, that's quite interesting. Is this something you have done before or is it a new experiment? Everything looks nice and healthy.
Happy growing.What a wonderful garden you have @porters. I noticed the size of the cucumbers, do you ever make pickles, they look to be the perfect size.
Those cucumbers are for munching on but I have made cucumbers when I grow pickling cucumbers outdoors.
Growing the cannabis from cuttings is the way to go if you want it true to the strain and don't want to go through the whole sexing thing with growing from seed. These plants we got from our neighbor's mother plant to try something different.
Summer months only started, your garden is looking productive quite an achievement already blooming @porters