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RE: Despite external differences, all living entities are spiritually equal

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

The title of this article alone speaks of equality before God. As I always say, I love to learn and with you I have learned a lot with this kind of article. Truth always comes out to flourish, wisdom is shared and used for good, like a Veda, you make the lessons transparent and worth appreciating.

As for religions, just by being called by such a name or labeled by such a name, it is already an imposed dogma. Even the scriptures have been hijacked, for example the bible and its congruencies. It is necessary to understand this before taking the path of Christianity, to admit that within this religion there are false prophets, false leaders and false words that have been imposed since the death of the master Jesus.

But there is the mission of the good men, of those who share the wisdom of the master, that the world depends on them. It is good to know that there are still free people, people who share these kinds of lessons so that the rest of us can learn and open our eyes. We are all equal before God, and that can't be changed, we are creators and creations, we are parts of him.

Thank you as always, you are great.


Hey there Pavan, I'm so glad you are inspired by the post here and that you are a true spiritual seeker and practitioner. You will go far with your natural inclination towards deep insight and spiritual awakening. I am happy that we can connect here as fellow seekers on the path of consciousness awakening.

Best wishes

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