We don't expect you to be an expert on HIVE. We also know that many of you aren't medical doctors, naturopaths, research scientists or anyone particularly qualified to dispense medical advice. We also know a lot of you like to add research and facts to your post to validate what you're saying about the medicinal benefits of a particularly plant.
But what we absolutely expect is that the information is SOURCED, not copied from the internet.
It doesn't make you any less of an authority, but it also prevents you being accused of plagiarism, or risking giving poor advice. Sources encourage people to look further than your post before making decisions about their own health.
We're posting this here to refer people to, should we see them using information we know isn't sourced and is copied or paraphrased from the internet. Please bookmark it and refer to it for future reference. From now on, we will be muting any posts that don't source their information, and you will have to appeal this decision by going into the Discord below and proving you have made the necessary changes.
Please feel free to politely link this post in any comments that might be advising better practice in Natural Medicine posts.
'According to WEBMD, neem is good for 'quote information here to show it's not your words'
'According to [WEBMD](https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-577/neem], neem is good for 'quote information here to show it's not your words''
'According to 'Medical News Today',
- [Bullet point](link to article)
- Bullet point](link to article)
According to research, ashwagandwa is good for anxiety.1
According to research, ashwagandwa is good for anxiety.<sup>[1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/)</sup>
According to this research, a
'high-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract improves an individual's resistance towards stress and thereby improves self-assessed quality of life. High-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract can be used safely as an adaptogen in adults who are under stress.'
According to [this research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/), a
**'high-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract improves an individual's resistance towards stress and thereby improves self-assessed quality of life. High-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract can be used safely as an adaptogen in adults who are under stress.'**
According to research, a
According to research, a
[... high-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract improves an individual's resistance towards stress and thereby improves self-assessed quality of life. High-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract can be used safely as an adaptogen in adults who are under stress.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/)
As you write, use super text to number the section you've 'quoted just like this'1. Then, at the end of your 'article where you've included information'2 you can number the links, just like below.
As you write, use super text to number the section you've 'quoted just like this'<sup>**1**</sup>. Then, at the end of your 'article where you've included information'<sup>**2**</sup> you can number the links, just like below.
Have you got other ways to include sources? Feel free to add them below.
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It's really a good post but concerning my own case. If you check most of my post on natural medicine concerning herbs,with due respect you will observe that I always mentioned my Dad because when he was alive , he's someone that so much believed in natural herbs and he knew about it,he lived in the village for about 34years before he came to city to settle down and got married. So some of these herbs,I gained much of the experience from him. There were times that he will take me along with him to a bush with a sack in my hand while he would be cutting the part of trees and told me their uses for different ailments. Though no evidence on that but that's just the truth. With due respect,What are we going to do about or do I need to really back up my write up again with google when the personal experience is there or what? Thanks! I STAND TO BE CORRECTED.🤝
helping users such as how to convert our crypto last year during Covid lockdowns; the intention of this blog clearly has been written to help folk who don't know how to quote info they've sourced off the web so it. Personal experience is a whole different ball game and this blog certainly is not aimed at users who share that!@naturalmedicine have in the past written invaluable guides with the pure intention of
It's ok
Awesome advice for quoting sources @naturalmedicine! Thank you, I've cross-posted it to the Silver Bloggers.
This is fantastic! Thanks!
Gracias por la información me es de mucha utilidad.
awesome resource for those that don't know how it works, I used to be one of them once haha..
hello, I think the suggestion is very good, we have to be sure of what we are going to talk about in the publications, educate ourselves well and not make a copy and paste of the information, and we must keep in mind that we are giving this information to be applied or consumed in people. blessings.
Excellent indications @naturalmedicine on how to invoke references. It is a fundamental rule to give credit to the authors and lead the reader to delve deeper into the referenced topic. The above enhances what is written. As we are told, "go to the source". Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this information.
I agree, most of us are common bloggers even if some of us know about our topic. So I suggest we should either resource properly or write a disclaimer. Thanks for the guidelines.
Hello, I'm new here, it's my first time of posting in this community, I didn't source for any of the information and it was an act of ignorance, I wrote my article based on what I've been taught and out of self experience, I hope I won't be banned.
Please, I have taken note and I won't do it again.
Muy interesante para todos los que somos parte de esta comunidad
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Excelente!!! Gracias.
Thank you for sharing.. this is really helpful