Manifesting the Life we Want in the Time of Global Transformation!

in Natural Medicine4 years ago
Authored by @@drrune



Greetings, everyone! Javier here with your new edition of Mindful Life, highlighting posts about energy, earth healing and materialization of dreams. These past few weeks have been intense, hardly a dull day for any of us. The Full Moon in Aquarius is behind us, but the nakedness of thoughts and feelings has only just begun.


My country has seen heavy rains for the past two months (it's pouring as I write this, in fact,) and many places have seen tremendous floods that, although disruptive AND destructive, are pretty much a commonality for us due to the well-known state of disrepair of our infrastructure. But it's happening in other countries with far better services that ours. Wildfires, landslides, volcano eruptions and of course, other disasters caused by all-too-human politics and wargames, are the expression of the inner turmoil of our world finally making it out to the surface. If you've been feeling stressed out by the news, unable to see how to improve your financial or professional situation, oppressed by difficulties at home or any other avatar that you might be facing, I bring you this post by @mrnightmare89 telling us that it's ok to let go of all that, to take a rest, to detach for a moment. For his regular posts on wellness, I nominate him for the Mental Health Awareness Badge in this edition.


It's easy to feel like taking a rest from everything can actually make things worse rather than help, to sense these moments of respite as a kind of escapism from harsh realities we don't want to face. There might be some truth to that indeed, but how can we determine that if we're in the middle of the chaos? Confused, aimless and still having to deal with so much that can drag us down? Well, fortunately, there are ways that we can recover our focus and even access greater wealth of knowledge and resources by seriously and consciously reviewing our thoughts, attitudes and emotions, just like @chaodietas explains in this contribution, sharing a bit of what she does in order to overcome negative places in her life through constant and deep self-revision, a useful set of practices available to anyone at all times.


It can also be deceptively simple to succumb to the temptation of disregarding what's happening to the whole world around us, of ignoring the changes that our species is collectively experiencing as if they didn't influence us. They do, and we can't deny that no matter how hard we try to push that aside. This planet is our home and everything that happens in it, from its core to its skies, is our business and affects us deeply. That means that the responsibility we owe to ourselves we also owe to this living, thriving spaceship. In the times that we're going through, we're being prompted to take this a lot more seriously that we've ever had, which makes the current Earth-Healing Challenge so valuable. Take a look at this wonderful response to the challenge by our dear @trucklife-family, where she discusses the habits and choices she makes daily to manifest the reality she wants: to live in greater, responsible and celebratory connection with the earth.


We all manifest our reality all the time, whether we're aware of that or not. We bring our dreams, hopes and fears into this physical world and more often than not, we don't know how we do it. In general, we think that attracting what we want is just about thinking nice things and cling to positive feelings while neglecting the stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable or hurt, but that's not how it works, and in this well-thought contribution, @cynshineonline offers a profound yet simple perspective that, despite her admitted boredom with regards to science, reveals a more scientific approach on the topic of manifestation, namely the way we can manipulate our energy and intention to obtain exactly what we want, but also the hard inner work we have to do in clearing our traumas and feelings of inadequacy in order to achieve our goals.


Consciously materializing what we need or desire is tricky at first. Due to unconscious codes buried deep within us, we don't necessarily know what we're doing, so perhaps we want to get money but it turns out that, in our core, we blame ourselves for professional, academic or social failures, or live in shame for not having accomplished the things we assume we should have at any particular point in our development. So we materialize obstacles and lament our fate, which in turn blinds us to the successes we get. This is in large part contingent on our upbringing, so it was wonderfully refreshing to read this post by @samstonehill about how he helped his boy to understand manifestation through an easy yet very effective exercise, a beautiful expression of constructive and expansive parenthood that I find most admirable, which I think is a great way to finish this curation.


finding peace and joy in nature.Thank you for reading! 5% of this post's rewards go to @jicrochet, a new member who brings her own vision about


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Un gran saludo,

Estoy gratamente impresionada por la mención, el apoyo y la apreciación para con mi contenido. Realmente, agradecida.

Solo leer el resumen de cada post reflejado en esta publicación ya me invitan a la calma y al agradecimiento; paso ampliar la lectura visitando cada post acá referenciado.

Reitero mi agradecimiento por esta mención


Oh wow thank you so much! I appreciate the love and support. I hope this article I wrote can help others. I appreciate what you're doing. Much love!
Cyn ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️