Update to my recent callout for support 21/06/24

in Natural Medicine7 months ago (edited)


Update 21/06/24 on my budget in regards to my Crete music school trip partially crowd funded by you!

(Original Post here: https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@montycashmusic/a-request-for-assistance-with-music-tuition-fees )

First off, I'm avoiding gofundme and similar websites because why pay fees? Here I am unconditionally transparent with my finances. You can support me directly as you wish with the details at the end of this post.

As tests of commitment often come in moments of determination, shortly after making the commitment to go to Greece my work laid me off as I am non-essential staff and jobs are limited at the farm for winter. This removed approx. 2400-4000 from my budget for the time I would work up until I was to leave.

So I initiated a backup plan -
Fixed my old car which was registered - clutch replacement - I did it from youtube and a little bit of intuition - took me four days lol - never in my life did I consider it possible for me to put on a mind that could do this!

I sold my newer (yet, older in age) car for 2200 AUD - this was included in my original budget. I bought it for 1200! A good return!

I bought my ticket to Istanbul for the 19th of July @ 1050AUD - I plan to look at instruments there and if funds are available to purchase a professional grade Kemence before heading to Crete via the friends in the mountains in Macedonia - if funds are not available will settle for a case and accessories for what I have. I have also already booked and paid for a ferry to Crete from Athens and single night accomodations in Istanbul and Athens - 86 euro total - will in time purchase a flight from Istanbul to Skopje 150AUD and later a bus and train ticket to Athens from Skopje approx 30-50 euro - my eventual return ticket to Perth will be about 1100-1500 depending on timing and desired luggage or flight flexibility.

Labyrinth (the place in Crete where I am going for the seminars) has accepted at least partial exchange of filming for course fees and accommodation. I'm pretty happy with this and excited for the opportunity.

I have given up my place in Dennmark (rent is very expensive and I won't be here, so despite Australia being in a housing crisis - will have to wing it when I get back.)

So I will store my things in Perth for about 200 per month and possibly take my fixed car to the wreckers to get a few hundred before I leave (possibly +600) - which is a wonderful car and has served me well (was given to me for the price of a battery with 6 months rego) but also has many issues (mechanically for simple A to B purposes is great - and carries a decent amount of music gear! Most important bit!)

I am running a Sema with Veetrag in Freo before I leave - this is by donation and may make a couple of hundred AUD after costs which will go towards the trip - have also considered doing a house concert in Perth before I leave but am yet to get complete confirmation on a possible house.

I have registered in Perth for busking and will commence playing jazzy/blues/rock on Murray street as much as possible to accumulate extra spare cash - busking in today's world is a bit different considering the cash dilemma but will go with open arms and a spirit of giving and a URL for tipping (which FYI, if you give me 5 on the street while busking with the URL - there is a fee and I get it three days later - nor is it very easy to just 'throw it in' - last tip I received this way was 6 AUD which translated to 5 AUD in my account, given on a Saturday and 'released' on a Wednesday - long story short: keep cash people).

A friend offered me a painting job in Fremantle while I house sit for 10 days - which will be about +1000 dollars for the budget.

I should get approx 2500 back from tax after June 30 - I plan to do my own return with an ABN to save 350 bucks I might normally pay the tax agent. This amount was included in my original budget.

At the suggestion of friends in Margs, I have consulted Regional Arts WA about a quick response grant and while their next email response is pending - it appears I am ineligible as the timing was not immediate (confirmation of attendance of Ross Daly's seminar was late May and not this month) and the course is not accredited - although many seminars are run by industry professionals (edit: I have since received responses that it is possible and have been working very hard on an application!)

Total donations from the public via this callout = 100 + 100 + 10 of Crypto + 40 = 250 - not a lot but there it is, if this is reflective of the my public image, the demand for what I do, or group assumptions "that everyone must be giving therefore I don't need to" - I don't mind really - I prefer to be honest and upfront instead of attempting to use smoke and mirrors to make it seem like this is some huge success in order to leverage group mind dynamics and create real perceptual value from projected perceptual value (which is how most marketing works, and quite frankly - wouldn't you like some honesty for a change?)

I am considering staying longer than my time in Crete, maybe to attend the Rumi festival in whirling dervish capital Konya in Turkiye which is run yearly in December. I am only requesting additional funds for the time I stay in Crete at the music school - I will likely stay with friends in Macedonia in between September and December for very little as possible.
I will also plan to play music on the street which was my income for many years - with multiple musical styles. I hope this time to add to the cultural integrity of the regions I visit and not import Western blues/rock influences like I did for a quick buck in past travels - my tastes, influences and capabilities have certainly changed since then!

So here is what I wrote in my original post with adjusted budget with all of this considered - also considering now two courses and one weeks accomodation for one of the course is a possibility in the filming/editing exchange:

"I would like the option to stay up to 7 weeks in Crete. For this to happen - I have worked out I need approx. 830 extra per week - this includes accomodation 400 weekly (for 6 of those weeks only as one week is included in the presently negotiated exchange, discounted for students of Labyrinth - discounted to 30-35 euro a night), weekly course fees 400 for 4 extra weekly courses (one course I already had in my original budget and another one I am exchanging for filming for a total budget request of 4 of 6 courses/seminars at 248 euro each), rent for my place in Denmark is no longer necessary as I am leaving it behind and instead paying for storage of my gear instead for 200 for a month (400 for 2 months of the time of the course, not requesting assistance for storage outside of that period, if I choose to stay longer until December for Rumi Festival in Konya), living expenses and other needs 200 weekly (very modest budget).

This works out to an updated request of - 2400 + 1600 + 400 + 1400 = 5800AUD (approx. 3600 Euro)

From originally an 8000 AUD (approx 5000 euro) request."

Why share all this?

to be entirely transparent

so people can see exactly how I make these trips work, I don't have lots of money backed up and I am not using voodoo (unless music is voodoo, in which case yes. lol) - I do indeed work hard and get real jobs - when I don't have a job I up the ante on the music to the point of it being my job

As you can see, I put EVERYTHING on the line - I am honest and authentic and shameless in my determination.

.. and if you feel it is appropriate to assist me, all things considered, I am most grateful! I hope you appreciate my honest approach. I'll call a spade a spade.

Regardless, as necessary I will do the 'monkey dance' and make it work because my determination in this is paramount to the success of my education and in turn the projects that I manage in Australia. I will plan to make an effort to come out yearly in order to retain cultural integrity in what I do.

What I did also include in my original budget is 'landing money' - that is money I need once returning to re-establish myself in a room/place/etc with a car or transport on returning. Living expenses are through the roof in Australia - info for overseas friends - while we can indeed earn more at times - minimum rent is 200 AUD per week (often with a month's rent bond 800 AUD, if you can find a place) and absolute minimum on food for one person is 100 AUD a week (you're skinning it on this) - then a basic car that won't die immediately you're looking at 3000 AUD.. with a tank of petrol being approx 70-100 AUD depending on fluctuating fuel prices. If you land with nothing it might take 2 weeks to get a job (if you're lucky) or you can apply for government payments which takes 2 weeks to get started and only pays approx 800 AUD with rent assistance (which can't be applied for immediately on entry if you don't have a room on paper so really it's about 650 AUD per fortnight - if you are eligible - can get separation certificates from previous employees within the last year or so... which pays for food + rent at best. Landing money in total - you're looking at - 4400 AUD needed in your bank to be independent and survive. lol - I won't be holding that much, maybe a few hundred at best - a few friends and an open mind will be my budget.

When I have traveled in the past - I have indeed gone 'all in'.

I am determined no matter what - for me, it's a no brainer - there really isn't another reason to be alive. So I do it. Purpose and duty is a far greater priority than security.

In modern days in order to be kind to myself I do allow some security. I'm getting older and traveling like this is taking its toll. However, I will do it again as necessary. The choice is simple for me, it is a higher priority I continue living life to its fullest than to succumb to fear. The integrity of my authentic determination is evident in everything I do. When I stray from this determination I lose my edge - it is a high determining factor in my success - and I get to live an amazing life while I'm at it!

If you feel my life and the experience, skills and diversity I offer has value and is worth supporting - then please, do so. I am grateful for whatever contribution you may give and accept it within the boundary that I will keep being me and keep doing what I do.

And of course... Thank you!

Here are my details again:


Opportunities for contact:

Opportunities to gift:
Australian bank account (no fees for transfer):
BSB 116 879
Acc# 424 536 546

For international transfers to this account use:
Bank: St George
Acc# 424 536 546
Branch address:
Gr Fl 152-158 St Georges Tce
Perth, WA 6000

Paypal: kelebekevrimi@gmail.com

Busking tip platform (with credit card or Apple Pay options available): https://busk.co/monty

Edit: Regarding scam alert on my bank account number - this is the correct account, the numbers are correct - it is coming up on some people's transfers as being a possible scam - please click through it and send anyway. Sorry about this, I can't do anything about this on my end. Grateful if you made it through the gauntlet and got some cash to me!