Beautiful rainbow

in Natural Medicine4 years ago
Hello friends of Natural medicine, I am pleased to share this publication with you about this beautiful event and joy that I felt when observing this beautiful Rainbow.

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A wonderful afternoon for me, on December 31 in the afternoon when I left work heading home, I said to myself, today I am going to do something different I will go to the beach to relax and connect with nature. When I left the Mall, I had already traveled about a kilometer, this beautiful Rainbow appeared in front of me. For me it was a sign of something that I had been asking the Creator Father, it is something personal. In addition to that, it is a symbol that something good is going to happen, especially that 2020 was about to end, a year of profound changes.

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If we observe carefully we will realize that there are two rainbows, the one above, is seen fleetingly.

I will try to explain a little what science says and what I have analyzed from the spiritual point of view, according to the knowledge that I have acquired over some years of study.
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There are innumerable explanations, for science the rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that consists of the appearance of an arc of multicolored light, sometimes two or more. Caused by a decomposition of sunlight in the visible spectrum, when the sun's rays pass through small drops of water contained in the earth's atmosphere. Rainbows can be defined in seven colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet.

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According to the RGB system, it says that the colors of the Rainbow correspond to three primary, two secondary, and two tertiary colors.

Really, the rainbow usually appears after it has rained or in a waterfall, waterfall, etc.
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The Incas say that the rainbow is a manifestation of nature, it is a natural multicolored phenomenon of divinity, it represents a complex event, which manifests itself on certain occasions
Red means life, orange is healing, yellow symbolizes the sun, green represents nature, blue is harmony, violet characterizes spirit.
In spirituality, the Rainbow represents a divine event in nature, created by the Universal Source of All That Is and of All That Exists, it is related to the Seven Cosmic Rays for the planet earth, for the manifestation of the life of the to be human on this planet. Each color of the Rainbow is related to each of the seven archangels who are directors of these seven divine rays.
• Red or orange corresponds to Archangel Uriel, represents prosperity.
• The yellow color corresponds to the Archangel Jofiel, it represents love wisdom.
• The pink color corresponds to the Archangel Chamuel, it represents divine Love.
• The green color corresponds to the Archangel Raphael, it represents Divine Healing and Healing.
• The Blue color corresponds to the Archangel Michael, it represents the force, the will.
• The color White corresponds to the Archangel Gabriel, it represents purity.
• The Violet color corresponds to the Archangel Zadquiel, it represents transmutation and liberation.
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In addition, each color of the rainbow is related to the seven extracorporeal chakras that make up our energy body.
• 1st chakra, Orange color
• 2nd chakra, violet color
• 3rd chakra, yellow color
• 4th chakra, pink color
• 5th chakra, blue color
• 6th chakra, green color
• 7th chakra, White color

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Camera: Blu G6
Camera: Digital Samsung PL120
Location: Venezuela

by: @mirla33


@mirla33 Los colores del arco iris son una herramienta espiritual de sanación interna. Es maravilloso contemplarlo, sus colores son mágicos. El 30 de diciembre pude contemplar dos arcoiris en un espacio y hora uno y otro en otro sitio después de recorrer unos minutos en bus...dos espacios geográficos diferentes y de verdad espectaculares. En una misma tarde. Saludos

Gracias por tu comentario @mercmarg. Realmente son mágicos sus colores y muy sanadores, que bueno que hayas disfrutado de la presencia de esos arcoiris, es magia divina.

Mi queridisima amiga @mirla33 !!!, es un gusto verte por aquí por esta bella comunidad de @naturalmedicine, de mi parte me alegra muchísimo tenerte con nosotros , se que tu aporte va a ser bastante interesante. Bello e instructivo tu post. Espero verte por aquí de nuevo.

Gracias @benavides54 por tu apoyo, y por tu valioso comentario. Gracias. Trataré de dar mi aporte aqui en natural medicene