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RE: It’s okay to be okay about not being okay

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

I can absolutely, most definitely, relate to your experience with childhood anxiety and social phobia! It's a tough one to deal with, being taught from such a young age by society that the authentic "you" is inherently flawed. Cue a lifetime of people-pleasing behaviours, amiright...? Thirty-eight years later, I've finally reached a point where I am super happy to admit that I am an EXTREME introvert, I do VERY badly in social situations, and I'm just not a people person. Lucky for me, I've found myself a wonderful tribe of people who love me for those exact things, and we always find ways to poke fun at each other for our individual quirks 😁
In terms of dealing with traumas, you hit the nail on the head: talk it out. Even with yourself. Blog it, vlog it, scream it, shout it. Just keep talking.
And I'll be right here, listening! Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.
All the best to you!


We wear our introversion as a badge of honor. Happy to meet a kin! Even happier that you found your tribe. It is indeed a rare gift that often goes understated.

Unite indeed

Thank you for listening! I appreciate it very much 😃 Nice to know that we're never alone in our journey.