My sister's jungle garden and an expensive wheelbarrow

I was talking to my sister the other day about the sad state of my garden and trying to get more tips off her as she has a busy garden. She sent me a bunch of photos of her garden, which she described as a jungle!

Her garden isn't that big, and actually it's on the small side by UK standards. I was surprised she got so much crammed in there.

Here's her teepee in the middle of the garden for her beans. You can see roughly how big (or small) her garden is. There's some strawberries at the base, fully utilising all the space, but she's had to put nets around the strawberries to stop the birds eating them.


This is her little greenhouse, you can see it behind the teepee. The young mangetout peas grow in here, plus some chives, and gods knows what else she's managed to plant in here!

She gets a constant harvest of mangetout and purple beans, not a massive crop but enough to feed the family occasionally. And that's the beauty of all this.


In addition to a teepee and little greenhouse, there's a seedlings hatch. I gave her some of the bok choi seeds that @sjarvie5 sent to me last year and there's a good batch coming along. I'm sure she'll have a much more successful harvest than me.


Whilst the Arizona bok choi seedlings are growing, she's been growing some french giant bok choi. They're massive!!

I don't know if the size of the veggie is all down to the variety, or whether her new toy played any part to it. This year she bought a new gadget, a vegepod.

Apparently it's a movable bed made in Australia, has a sprinkler irrigation system above and a water tank under the soil. She said it's exactly what she's been looking for as some times she works long hours and can't get home in time to water her plants. The snugs can't get up to eat the veggies, and she's taped copper tape around the legs for extra precaution. The vegepod doesn't come cheap, nearly £300!! Yes, I can see @riverflows jumping up and down now 😂.

I told my sister it's an expensive wheelbarrow, and we had a good old chuckle over it. I can see her point though, as I'd really like something raised from the ground to stop my veggies being eaten by snugs as well.

My sister has a lot more stuff in her garden. I'd love to share them all but I'll leave that for next time coz I'm posting this from my mobile and it's taken me forever. Hats off to those who do it all the time.


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This is an awesome post, your sister garden is made of beautiful crop, the veggies look so healthy, I love it

Thnaks. I wish I could grow stuff like her as well

Wow that is a great garden and so fun to see the AZ bok choy seed thriving in the UK. Those other bok choy are really big. Mine never got that big.

I'll ask hwr to show me the bok choi when they grow up so you can see them as well.

I planted some again, for the the third time, but this time I'm going to keep them indoors as I know they will be gobbled up by pest if I take them outside.

What a garden @nivingukyaiwan! Yes, an expensive wheelbarrow, hehehe!
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Tell me about! £300 for a fancy wheelbarrow 😂

Let see... I can buy....

She's really got an abundant garden! Love the bok choi and that vegepod looks good. 💚

Thanks. I always enjoy seeing what people have in their garden, its so fascinating isn't it

Hola @ livinguktaiwan, lo grandioso de estar en esta plataforma es ver las diferentes forma de cultivo, hoy en dia yo estado alejado un poco de mi terreno por cuestiones de salud. Confio en Dios regresar pronto ya que soy muy feliz estar en medio de mi cultivo y disfrutar de la naturaleza.

Excelente post y bellas imagines.

Gracias por pasar y dejar un comentario encantador @victorealiendres . Espero que se mejore pronto y pueda ser más activo en Hive. Todo lo mejor.

Love the bean teepee and strawberries idea and in general how well she utilizes the space available. I also really like the mangetout's! You don't see them so often and they are delicious.

I love mangetout a lot, they taste really nice. In fact, I think every thing you grow yourself tastes extra good!

Very true!

Such an amazing garden. Looks like your sister used every available inch to grow those awesome veggies.
Nice post.

She has @farm-mom, she's got more stuff in her garden, which I haven't shared this time as it's so difficult to post from mobile. I'll have to do it later

All I can say is, there's nothing better than feeding ourselves.
Kudos to your sis, she has an awesome garden.

Be well, stay safe.

I like her garden. My friends also have a lot of gardeners like that, it's interesting. I wish I could quit my current job to make myself a garden like this. I love gardening but I don't have much time to do both of them. ☹️

I'm no gardener myself, but i think the time required depends on how much you grow. I've seen some gardeners here say their plants can go for a few days without watering. That's why I'm looking for some low maintenance easy to grow things for lazy people like myself

Well first of all let me say that your sister is really hard working woman because those plants look really beautiful to me

There is a saying in my language in that is people who love nature and basically plants and love to grow plants by themselves They have the softest heart and they are the kindest people

She has done a great job and I wish her more success in such a short place she has managed to grow some really good plants

Wow your sister has grown so much useful vegetables and many important plants in such small place, she is very hard working because doing such gardening requires lots of time and energy, hats off to her talent.

 3 years ago  

WOW - I hope you got some good advice from her! she's clearly got a green thumb!

 3 years ago  

That is indeed a happening garden for such a small space, hope she shares her green thumb secrets with you so you can have a bountiful harvest. Love the vegepod!

the garden is amazing and there are lots of very beautiful plants and flowers