Updated Liver Cleanse

in Natural Medicine3 months ago (edited)

Liver Cleanse

Total duration of treatment: 5 days

DO NOT do this cleanse if you are sick and in all cases we recommend checking with your doctor, therapist or any other qualified health professional. The information contained in this article is for informative purposes only.

It is recommended to discontinue any supplementation during the 5 days of the cleanse.


Necessary ingredients for the Liver Cleanse

We recommend purchasing all of the ingredients for all 5 days before beginning.

3 liters of Organic Apple Juice (free from additives or artificial flavouring)

  1. You have the option to purchase pure, food grade Malic Acid instead. This is the ingredient in Apple Juice that softens the stones before you pass them so that you do not feel any pain. It tastes like sour candy. Dosage:​ 1​ tsp. mixed with 32oz room temp. water. Sip on after 3pm on designated days in place of apple juice. Still need to drink 6-8 oz of water on top of that.
  2. You can replace apple juice with another type of fresh juice ONLY if allergic to apples (ex. orange, pineapple, peach, pear, watermelon juice).
  3. High amounts of organic fruit and fresh vegetables (no other food should be eaten during the first 3 days)
  4. 4 Tablespoons of Epsom salt (MgSO4 dilates your vessels to allow stones to pass through easily)
  5. ½ cup/4oz. of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (highest quality you can find)
  6. ½ cup/4oz. of Hand-Squeezed Grapefruit Juice (preferably pink but any other will do)
  7. If you find it difficult to find grapefruit in your area you may use lemons instead (even though grapefruit juice will mix much better with oil)
  8. Optional: Rubber enema and a lemon (see “Day 4, 9:30pm”)


Although not essential, it would be of great help having a colon hydrotherapy the same morning you plan on starting the liquid diet or the day before. If you can’t do a colonic, you can do room temperature water with 2 drops of fresh squeezed lemon juice instead (do not use artificial lemon juice or essential oils).

Days 1, 2 & 3

Do not ingest any kind of solid food. During the preparation phase of the liver cleanse, you must be on a liquid diet for 3​ consecutive days. Food may be steamed, raw or cooked and in any case blended, pureed or liquified as a shake. They may be room temperature juices or hot soups too.

If you have a portion every half an hour you would need about 20kg/44lb of fruit and vegetables per day.

It is suggested that fruit juices and shakes should be consumed only during the morning (except apple juice which you may drink also during the evening). Drink 1L of apple juice daily (preferably room temp.) during the 3 days after 3:00pm alongside vegetable soups and shakes. The more quantity, the better.

You may drink water and herbal tea (no caffeine) on these days.

Recipe Ideas

Vegetable Soup

  1. 2 large potatoes (unpeeled), diced (1cm approx.)
  2. Grate carrots until you fill up a cup
  3. Grate beetroot until you fill up a cup
  4. Dice a bunch of celery, including its green leaves (1cm approx.) filling a cup.
  5. Add a cup of any other fresh seasonal vegetables (you may include zucchini, parsley, pumpkin, etc.)
  6. Fill up a pot of water and pour in all the vegetables without peeling (you may use a brush to clean and reduce the skin).
  7. Cover the pot and simmer for half an hour. After this, let it stand for another half an hour.
  8. Blend to liquify and eat as many servings as you like.

Butternut Soup

  1. Roast a butternut, carrot(s), and onion (if desired) in the oven without oil at 350 degrees for about 30-40 min or until fork tender.
  2. Using homemade vegetable broth or water, blend the roasted veggies until smooth and as thick as you desire.

Vegetable Broth

  1. In a large pot, simmer water and organic veggies such as potatoes (for potassium), carrots, celery, leek, squash and fresh herbs such as thyme, rosemary, garlic, onion until the veggies are very soft and the broth is seasoned.
  2. Strain the broth and reserve the vegetables for pureeing with the broth to make into a vegetable soup. You can keep the rest of the broth to sip on throughout the day


Bunny Bliss Juice
4 carrots • 2 stalks celery • 1 green apple • 2 cups spinach • 1⁄4 lemon • Pinch of cinnamon

5 Green Wake Up Juice
INGREDIENTS: 1 green apples • 2 cucumbers • 1 beet • 1⁄2 lemon • 1⁄2 inch ginger

Simple Green Machine
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup spinach • 2 cups kale • 2 cups parsley • 1 cucumber • 3 celery stalks

Heaven Sent Juice
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup spinach • 1⁄2 cucumber • 2 stalks celery • 3 carrots • 1⁄2 apple

Sweet Craving Juice
INGREDIENTS • 1 apple • 8 stalks celery • 1 dash cinnamon

Clean And Green Juice
INGREDIENTS • 1-2 cups swiss chard • 2-3 leaves romaine • 2-3 leaves kale • 1 lemon • 2 kiwis • 1⁄2 cucumber • 1⁄2 inch turmeric

Ideally you should eat a light breakfast WITHOUT the following ingredients:

  • Butter, fats or oils (except in the grapefruit & olive oil mixture)
  • Sugar or other sweeteners
  • Milk
  • Proteins
  • Black pepper

You may eat fresh fruit, steamed vegetables with white rice (preferably basmati) or potatoes.

You may add fresh herbs such as parsley, rosemary, thyme, fresh garlic (not powdered garlic) and/or high quality sea salt (REAL® or Pink Himalayan salt).

You may also drink juices.


Example cleanse routine

  1. After 2:00pm: ​ Do not eat or drink anything (absolutely nothing) except for water until 6:00pm.​
  2. 6:00pm: Add 3 cups (24oz) of water to an empty container and dissolve 4 flat Tbsp. of Epsom salt. Divide the mixture into 4​ glasses and drink the 1st dose. You may drink water afterwards to help clear the bitter taste.
  3. 8:00pm: Drink the 2nd dose of water with Epsom salt.​
  4. 9:30pm: If you have not yet evacuated and have not done a colonic in the last 24 hours, have an enema done with room​ temperature water with 2 drops of fresh squeezed lemon juice (not artificial lemon juice or essential oils). This will help evacuate.
  5. Evacuation is necessary before proceeding with the liver cleanse.
  6. 9:45pm: Wash grapefruits (or lemons), squeeze the juice out and remove the pulp. You will need ½ cup/4oz. of juice and ½​ cup/4oz. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Mix them together vigorously until they appear homogeneous. This mixture should be taken at 10:00pm but if you need to go to the bathroom a few times, you may delay drinking the mixture for up to 10 minutes.
  7. 10:00pm: Standing up next to your bed (do not sit down), drink the mixture. Some prefer taking it with a straw. Don't take longer​ than 5 minutes to drink it. Immediately after this, stretch out in your bed.

Important:Do not move at all during the first 20 minutes in​ bed, as if you were a statue. Turn the lights of and lay your head higher up than your belly/gut. If you are feeling uncomfortable, lay on your right side with bent knees and your head facing towards your knees (fetal position). Stay this way for 20 minutes without talking. Fix your attention towards your liver and how clean it will be after all the hard work.

You may feel the stones moving through the bile ducts as if they were marbles. You will not feel pain due to the Magnesium in
Epsom salts (keeps the bile ducts well dilated and relaxed. There is also bile secretion lubricating the ducts as the stones pass by).

It is recommended that you try to sleep. If you feel the urge to evacuate during the night you must do so. Check for small green/light brown pea-like stones floating in the toilet.

You may feel mild dizziness and/or nausea (occurs in 10% of cases) due to the cleanse overnight or early in the morning. This is due to the sudden heavy discharge of toxins from the liver and gallbladder that push the oil mixture down into the intestine.

These feelings will dwindle throughout the morning.

Day 4

  1. 6:00am (the earliest): ​ ​After waking up, drink the 3rd dose of Epsom Salts (if you feel thirsty, drink a glass of room temperature water before taking the dose). Relax, read, meditate and if you feel tired, go back to bed and rest (even though it is preferable to have the body standing in a vertical position). Most people feel fine and would rather do gentle exercises.
  2. 8:00am (or 2 hours after the third dose): Drink the 4th dose of Epsom salts.​
  3. 10:00am (or 2 hours after the fourth dose): You may drink fresh juice at this time. Half an hour later, you may eat one or two​ pieces of fresh fruit and an hour later solid food (not in big quantities).
  4. In the evening or the next morning: You will begin to feel normal again and notice the first signs of improvement after this​ liver/gallbladder cleanse. Continue with a light diet during the two following days.

Day 5

It would be very helpful to have a colon hydrotherapy to make sure​ everything has been expelled. If you can’t do a colonic, you can do room temperature water with 2 drops of fresh squeezed lemon juice instead (do not use artificial lemon juice or essential oils).

NOTE:​ It is normal to experience diarrhea during the morning of the 5th day. You may find stones in the toilet after evacuating. The interesting ones are green in colour since this indicates they are gallstones. These stones will usually float due to their high content in cholesterol. It would be a good idea to count them all (whether green or not). The optimum point is reached when there is a total of 2000+/- stones, enough to relieve the organism from discomfort, back aches and/or allergies, bursitis and headaches.
