[ENG-ESP] Hey You, The World Need Us. Our Children Need us. || Oye tú, el mundo nos necesita. Nuestros hijos nos necesitan.


No quiero sonar catastrófica, pero amigos, nos encontramos frente a un peligro real, la extinción de la epecie humana.

El planeta donde habitamos es único, y aunque mucho se especula de poder vivir en otro planeta, no es algo que ocurrirá en los próximos 5 años. Y de ser así, no todos vamos a ir. Se requieren cantidades exhrbitantes de dinero para poder estar en esa lista de viajeros.

Y pagar por ello, no garantiza que ocurra antes que el planeta llegue a su fin.

I don't want to sound catastrophic, but friends, we are facing a real danger, the extinction of the human species.

The planet we inhabit is unique, and although there is much speculation about living on another planet, it is not something that will happen in the next 5 years. And if it does, not all of us will go. Exorbitant amounts of money are required to be on that list of travelers.

And paying for it does not guarantee that it will happen before the planet comes to an end.


El planeta pide a gritos un Stop, un__ detente y piensa__, terremotos, inundaciones, huracanes y tormentas, son señales implacables de la naturaleza, cáncer de piel, los rayos Ultra Violeta pasan directo a la tierrra, el agujero en la capa de ozono, se hace cada vez mayor.

Nos sorprendemos por estos cambios climáticos, pero no nos damos cuentas que somos los responsables, y que debemos hacer algo hoy, cada uno de nosotros desde nuestra cotidianidad podemos contribuir.

No deberia ser necesaria una ley que me diga debo reparar el escape de gas de mi automovil para poder circular. Esta actitud nos covierte en egoistas, nosotros estamos vivos hoy, ¿Pero cómo vivirán nuestros hijos, nuestros nietos? ¿Qué calse de futuro les estaos heredando? Nos preocupamos por dejarles educación, dinero, una casa talvez, pero debemos agregar a esa lista de dejarles de herencia una tierra donde vivir, ¿en dónde construirán su casa si no hay un planeta, sque harán con el dinero si ya no tendrán vida?

Nuestros hijos cuentan con nosotros, vamos a empezar por cambios en nuetra cotidianidad, y si es posible contagiemos al resto de amor por nuestro planeta. Seamos ejemplo en casa para nuestros hijos, vecinos, hermanos.

Despertemos antes que sea demasiado tarde.

Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and storms are relentless signs of nature, skin cancer, Ultra Violet rays pass directly to the earth, the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger and bigger.

We are surprised by these climatic changes, but we do not realize that we are responsible, and that we must do something today, each one of us from our daily life can contribute.

It should not be necessary a law that tells me to repair the gas exhaust of my car to be able to circulate. This attitude makes us selfish, we are alive today, but how will our children, our grandchildren live? What kind of future are we inheriting them? We worry about leaving them education, money, a house maybe, but we must add to this list of leaving them a land to live on, where will they build their house if there is no planet, what will they do with the money if they will no longer have life?

Our children are counting on us, let's start with changes in our daily life, and if possible, let's spread love for our planet to the rest of the people. Let's be an example at home for our children, neighbors, brothers and sisters.

Let's wake up before it is too late.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Quisiera invitar a unirse a este challenge @yonathanulacio, @albaandreina, @sandrojh20

I would like to invite @yonathanulacio, @albaandreina, @sandrojh20 to join this challenge.


Earth Day Celebration Challenge; Show Us The Ways You Care | 25 HIVE prize and 100HP Delegation For a Month!


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Excelente @isgledysduarte, estoy de acuerdo contigo todos somos responsables y no necesitamos una ley, más bien agradecimiento.

Excellent @isgledysduarte, I agree with you we are all responsible and we don't need a law, rather gratitude.

Hola, si amiga, todos somos responsables del mañana, pensamos que nada mao podria pasarnos, pero supongo que esta pandemia ha puesto a muchos a reflexionar y valorar la vida, no sólo la podriamos perder a causa de un virus. Saludos.

buena publicación, gracias por la invitación

Que bueno llegaste y que pudieras participar!

Hand in hand stand as one

Yes we have to take responsibility for our actions and start to show our gratitude towards the earth. Lovely response @isgledysduarte xx
Curated for #naturalmedicine by @trucklife-family. Come join us in in our new LOTUS CHAT - anyone can join, even without a HIVE account! Check it out here. Did you know that you can earn a badge from @hivebuzz for posting about #mentalhealthawareness? Read more details here! divider.fw.png

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Yes it is really important to be mindful of how we are living, educate and empower the future generation. It is easy to feel sad about the situation but then I have read so many beautiful posts for this challenge and that alone gives me hope for the future.

Thank you for participating in the Earth Day Challenge.

Natural Medicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
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Hi, How are you? We need to have hope, we cannot lose faith in humanity, that day we would stop fighting and that day would be the end of us. We must always do our bit and encourage others to do the same. I am glad that these spaces are given, they are a way to raise awareness.