The Miracle of Bloodroot Paste for "Melanoma", Warts, & Moles

in Natural Medicine3 months ago (edited)

As you get older (I am 62), the body becomes more and more toxic. With all the poisons that I have exposed myself to since I was a kid, growing up ignorant and the increase in toxins on planet earth these days - my skin begins to express these toxins.

Melanoma Moles

One way it does this is melanoma moles.
These moles are sometimes red and sometimes not, and sometimes they itch or hurt.

The mainstream blames the sun - however - the sun is really bringing the poisons to the skin's surface to help the body detoxify.

Dermatologist Method

The mainstream way to deal with them is to go to the dermatologist and have them burned off.

The problem with this is that the dermatologist does not care what else gets burned out and they often hit a nerve or make an ugly scar and cause additional problems.

Another problem is that I don't go to "doctors" or use "allopathic" medicine.

I simply do not trust doctors of western medicine.

Bloodroot Paste


This is where the Bloodroot paste comes in! This stuff is amazing! It's only $12.95 for 22 grams but the shipping is $20 from Ecuador where it is made, to the US. Therefore a total of $32 for this miraculous paste made from Bloodroot ( (Sanguinaria canadensis) is where you get it.

My experience is that if you apply the Bloodroot paste to a non-cancerous mole, nothing will happen.

I have an occasional skin eruption as a result of taking a dexofier, of potentially skin-melanomas - to which I apply a tiny amount of blood root paste and put a tiny bandaid over the area for 24 hours:


Day 1, after I applied the blood root paste for 24 hours.

Day 2, it starts to form a pus circle around each eruption or mole and it is itchy. I don't touch it or apply anything else - I just let the process run it's course.


Day 3, very itchy and very inflamed. Leave it alone.

Day 4, still very inflamed and touchy.


Day 7, scabbing over, still a little itchy but it's on it's way to being healed.

Amazon Salve

For Melanoma's, Alpha Omega Labs are now claiming that their Amazon Salve works much quicker - and I have not tried that yet, but this stuff works great and

Check out other products by Alpha Omega Labs!

Alpha Omega Labs is a great place for alternative treatments for major diseases.

Here's their full description of the product:

Bloodroot Paste (Sanguinaria canadensis) has long been known for its strong medicinal properties, especially with respect to its curative action in treating a wide variety of skin disorders. It is beyond the scope of this page to give a complete history of bloodroot's use, but suffice to say that affect on ordinary moles (non-cancerous) and warts is well-documented. We have prepared a special bloodroot paste which can use self-administered to successfully treat these skin conditions. We were aware that bloodroot could be effective in treating warts and moles from our reading of Dr. Jonathan Hartwell's work.

The most important thing to emphasize about this product is that it DOES NOT produce as immediate a response as does our Amazon Salve on skin cancers. In fact, be prepared to use the paste for a good 30 days to eliminate most, if not all of the mole or wart in question. With proper use, a close following of the instructions below, and patience, our new Bloodroot Paste does do a pretty remarkable job, although not with as high a success rate as our Amazon Salve yields in dealing with skin cancers. (And this is probably due to the broad etiologies, or causes, that underlie these diverse skin growths.)

As ourlined in Dr. Jonathan Hartwell's work, it is effective in treating warts and moles, and has a long history of use with respect to its curative action in treating a wide variety of skin disorders.

Directions for Use
Having first verified with your medical practitioner that your skin growth (in the case of a mole) is benign, following these instructions:

Open container and stir with a fresh toothpick to ensure product homogeneity.
Using your "little finger" simply apply enough of the paste to cover the wart or mole which you wish to treat. Make sure the site is covered well. Apply a bandage over the area to insure that the paste is not wiped off.
Every two days, remove the bandage, apply fresh paste, and place a new bandaid or bandage back on. This may seem wasteful to some, but the amount of product you use, remember, is very little; the purpose of new, fresh product, is to ensure that there is a sufficient concentration of the alkaloids in the bloodroot working on the target growth to get the job done. Complete this cycle until the wart or mole has receded to the same level as the surrounding skin. When you pass your hand over the area, you should not feel any protruding skin growth of any kind.
Exception: IF after beginning to apply Bloodroot Paste, you get an "eschar" (as described in the Amazon Salve User Instructions) discontinue use and let the resulting scab follow the steps described therein. Bloodroot Paste is a mild escharotic (not nearly as strong or as penetrating as Amazon Salve) and when applied to certain mole types, it will follow a similar path to removal. If you get an eschar formation, there is no benefit to repeated applications. Let the area heal over.

Purified water, bloodroot powder (Sanguinaria canadensis), zinc chloride, and red clay.

My experience is otherwise:

When I apply this paste to non-cancerous moles, nothing happens. When I apply it to potentially cancerous moles - the above happens, and within 1-2 weeks, it h
as gone through it's process and heals up. I have heard of some people who had such a deep rooted melanoma that they had to repeat the process several times, however, the process only treats the affected area - does not hit a nerve or cause massive scarring, hence, I will stick with this product!