
Yeah I don't have a lot of light coming in here so that's why most of my plants are but the ones at the windows are the real ones and I have the Aloe behind the others, so they will get the sun, but not as full on as the others.

And in this apt I do get the morning sun, but since it's winter here and I'm 28 floors up, it's not only cold, but windy too.

When spring comes and it starts to warm up a bit, I will put them all back out onto the balcony, but have a fake vine fence to put up out there then, so they will get filtered sunlight from that, whereas the others, like the basil loves the full sun and the lettuce should be able to handle it aswell. If not, I'll put her into a filtered area too..

So what else do you use your aloe for?

I live in the natural home of most of the world's aloe species and I finally have the privilege of a small outdoor garden of my own which is hot, dry and sunny so I grow many and enjoy their winter flowers.
Aloe species with clear sap have similar properties to Aloe vera but there are other species that have bitter yellow sap and these are used as purgatives