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RE: How Fear Creates Dis Ease!

@trucklife-family YES! This is what I am rambling on repeat to all of my friends and family that are spreading intense fear (to me) about being in "an infected zone"... I asked my dad a couple of weeks ago to send me love over sending me fear. I tried to explain the above to him in a way he'd understand... "don't you want me to be safe and healthy? Then send me hope, love and prayers not fear that I'm going to die!"


Our media and mainstream thought doesn't give us much room to step out of the fear though because stepping outside of fear, means we step outside of control.

I do believe we need to be aware, cautious and prepared but that if we spread hope over fear, love over war, we'd live in such a different world.

<3 Thank you for sharing this very important message during these turbulent times!

 5 years ago  

thank you, yes we need to keep spreading messages of love xxx