Let peace reign

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I dunno about you but for me my inner peace is very important. I am so happy to have found such peace and contentment that I don't want to let go of it for any price. I strive to keep my peace day after day and this doesn't mean I have to go somewhere or do something different to find my peace. I often find it within myself.

When you have learned to keep your mind in equilibrium you know how to be at peace within. It is often not necessary to have someone destroy your peace. You can do it yourself. Most of us are at war within.

Just in the process of living life, this tranquility that you've worked so hard for could get disturbed. The choices we make are often the reason for losing our peace. When the choice we make are true to our core beliefs we are often at peace and the equilibrium is maintained.

However, with wrong choices come the disturbance in your peace. Then it is important to restore that inner peace for the sake of your sanity and dig deep into yourself. I have found gratitude help me along the way.

I hate wasting time in regrets and whining. I would rather accept my fault and do what can be done than wallow in regrets and self pity. I prefer to start each day like a canvas prepped for a new painting with a clear mind ready to take what comes my way.

Life is simple and I hate complicating it too much planing and thought. The willingness to learn from each event that life brings along makes life easy to live. When I surrender myself to learning from whatever happens my resistance is low, my flexibility is high and I don't break and shatter like others do in times of stress. I just let go, I let my ego die for the moment.

I cry when I need to, I express myself when I need to, but I almost always never focus on the negative. Crying is therapeutic, whining is not, in fact whining makes you even more negative and stressed.

When we accept pain as a part of life's lessons life becomes easier to live and everyday is a normal day.

This was a poem I wrote a few months ago when someone was actively disturbing my peace. It helped me bring my focus back to myself and how I want to live my life.

Let Peace Reign

The tranquil silence of the mind,

In gratitude sweet,

Where pleasant thoughts find,

A patient retreat!

A strong sense,

Of contentment prevails,


The troubles of life pales,

Into a bleached colorlessness,

washed out in the joy,

Of a happy existence!

The voices of strife,

Powerless to throng,

The goodness of life,

With its wrongs!

The inner fulfillment,

Of a life well lived,

Relishing each moment,

towards excellence strive!

How precious this life to be wasted,

In doubts and fears,

Too wonderful to be tainted,

In sorrow and tears!

Let go of all hurt and pain,

Let peace in your heart reign,

Forgive and forget,

Give no space for regrets!

Live each day as though,

It were your last,

Let time flow,

Leaving unrest in the past!

Let's do ourselves a favor and let go of anything that keeps us from being at peace within.


Peace is health! Where peace can't be found such a place stinks. Anyone who can't be at peace with his or herself can never be at peace with others so definitely to get peace we have to start with ourselves.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Absolutely, someone who cannot be at peace with himself or herself cannot be at peace with others. It is true that when we find a way to maintain the equilibrium of the mind the body follows. Thanks for stopping by. @teknon

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Glad you think that way too :)

Sorry, I missed this. It's been awesome.