
Think it'll be safe with them on the opposite side of the fence, or am I gonna want a different option, maybe just plain old ply wood?

Actually, if you can borrow an electric fence charger and some wire and a ground post, I'd set that up inside the wooden barrier/wire fence. Just make sure the fence is COMPLETELY enclosed in a solid very visible physical fence. When they hit the electric the first time, they will charge through as opposed to back off. You want something that will stop them before they are out.

If they get out, it will be very hard to get them in, because they've been shocked. Leave the fence on for 2 weeks, and after that they will never go near it again, if you are lucky. But you MUST make sure it is NEVER grounded out during the 2 weeks.

I've got one of the smaller chargers that may work once it dries out. Plenty of polywire and ground rods too. I'll set that up asap, because the pigs have taken to jumping now. They're too smart for my own good lol

They can't jump really high, but the weight often carries them through. I'd make sure the charger is HOT.