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RE: Cinnamon - my phytotherapeutic experience

in Natural Medicine2 months ago

Hello @sirenahippie, sorry but I can't see this rule among the community rules. I've already been verified by moderators in the @discovery-it community.

Now could you please unmute me?

 2 months ago  

Hi @ghilvar

Good afternoon.

This is what you should have done before sending emissaries to speak for you.

Even when there is not an expressly written rule, it is necessary that if a moderator or community administrator requests something from you, you comply with it. Each community is autonomous and has its own niche and way of functioning, so if in this Natural Medicine community, a request was made to you, the logical thing is that you comply with that.

Now, it is good that you have been validated by the Discovery-it community, however, Natural Medicine is a separate community.

Regarding your posts, you were asked to include photos taken by you, since this way you can reflect the experience with the natural medicine you talk about, transmitting your knowledge in a more effective way. And this is a request that we make to many users, not just you, since multiple cases of fake and farming accounts have been presented.

By requiring you to appear in photos, it is to validate you in communities where you generally do not publish frequently, since your presentation post in Hive is very brief and does not offer information about you.

In order to be able to unmutet yourself in the communities, it would be ideal for you to comply with what we have required, which is a simple requirement, since if you talk about your experience with natural medicine, there is nothing better than reflecting it in a more genuine way in your posts, and also , make yourself known.

I await your response.