What are the symptoms of a serious ear infection in children? Know its cause and Home Remedies

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

There can be many reasons for the problem of chronic ear infection in children, know about its symptoms and treatment.

Ear infections in children are very common. Ear infections in children are mostly seen in children under 3 years of age. The problem of infection occurring in the middle of the ear is called chronic infection. In children, this problem occurs due to infection of virus or bacteria. Chronic ear infection is a chronic infection in children and can lead to many serious problems in children. Ear infection problem in children It is the second most common problem after winter. In this problem, the air-filled space behind the eardrum present in the ear of children gets infected. Due to this infection, liquid accumulates at that place. Due to this, children have many serious problems like fever, cold and hearing problems. Some children are at risk of recurring chronic ear infections. Let us know about the causes, symptoms and treatment of severe ear infection in children.

Causes of chronic ear infection in children


This problem is mostly seen in children under 3 years of age. When the infection present in the ear of children persists for a long time, it is called chronic infection. This problem can cause deafness in children. According to this, serious infections in children's ears can be due to virus, bacterial or fungal infection. A chronic or severe ear infection in children can also be caused by an injury to the ear, or due to the movement of something. The main reasons for the problem of ear infection in children are as follows.

  • Ear infections caused by exposure to viruses.
  • Due to any serious injury to the ear.
  • Due to the formation of fluid or pus behind the eardrum.
  • Due to the growth of skin in the mastoid bone.
  • Ear infection due to genetics.
  • Because of getting water or anything else in the ear.

Signs of a serious ear infection in children

Children with chronic ear infections can experience severe pain, fever, and pus formation. This problem can occur in children of any age but mostly it is seen in children of 3 years of age. The symptoms seen in the problem of chronic ear infection are milder than the normal symptoms and they can appear in both the ears. These are the symptoms of severe ear infection in children.

  • Mild pain persisting in ear.
  • Feeling of pressure in the ear.
  • Continuous discharge of liquid from the ear.
  • Mild fever
  • hard of hearing.
  • Trouble falling asleep at night.
  • Ear numbness

Pediatric Chronic Ear Infections Treatment

Home Remedies for ear discharge

Apple Cider Vinegar
Having antimicrobial properties, it destroys the microbes in the ear. 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is mixed in equal part of warm water. A cotton ball soaked in this solution should be plugged into the afflicted ear. Patient should be advised to lie down on his side and allow the cotton ball to soak up the discharges. Later, the plug need to be removed and the ears dried. Doing it once or twice a day is usually enough.

Neem oil
It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties. It helps reduce earache and would also destroy the pathogens. Few drops of neem oil is poured in the infected ear. Plug the ear with a cotton ball and the patient is allowed to lie down. After few minutes it shall be removed.

A study had showed that ear drops containing garlic and other herbal extracts were found to be effective as OTC ear drops. Another study shows that garlic improves antibiotic sensitivity of certain pathogens to antibiotics. Allicin in garlic protects the body against infections. Using it also helps to reduce microbes in the ear and also to reduce infection.

Few cloves of garlic are heated in coconut oil and allowed to cool. Few drops are instilled into the afflicted ear and allowed to get absorbed by lying down. Raw garlic also can be consumed to get rid of ear pain and infection.

Holy Basil
A study shows efficacy of instilling basil leaf juice into the ears as remedy for earaches. Juice of basil leaves is prepared by crushing few basil leaves and straining them. Few drops are instilled in the afflicted ear and left for few minutes to be absorbed.

They are often used to cure and relieve ear drainage in toddlers and children. After steaming / heating in the microwave for a minute, the onion piece is crushed and its juice extracted. This juice is instilled in the afflicted ear and allowed to stand for few minutes.

Steam Inhalation
This is a common method used to treat ear drainage and infections. Water is boiled in a pot. Herbal powder is added to the boiling water. The patient is asked to cover his head with a towel or blanket and inhale the steam coming from boiling water.

Warm compress
Warm cloth, when applied, provides moisture that helps to unclog the ears and loosen the congestion. This can be used few times a day. A washcloth soaked in warm water is squeezed out. This cloth is held over the afflicted ear.

Gravitational forces will pull out the fluid discharge from the ear when your ear is tilted in the downward direction. With the help of dropper few drops of warm water are dropped into the ears. The patient is asked to tilt his head to let the water to run out, preferably into a sink. Sleeping with infected ear facing the ceiling helps relieve the ear discharge and earache.