The new Meal

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Hi, I'm a gastrologist and a scientist and I come through this platform to share the new life of science.

For 7 years I have been studying ways to evolve gastronomy, to evolve gastronomy to such an extent that it would revolutionize the world.
well, I believe that ending hunger and building a gastronomic economy that is viable to all parts of the world, is not that far off.


a new knowledge, a new feeling, a new flavor is to come, and it is through food and we will solve part of the global problems.
it's not about religion, it's not about politics, it's about the individual being of each one, the energy that runs through our body. it's about eating well, feeling good, and healing for good.



I believe this study is far from over, as the questions are many and the answers are simple but complex..

Here I share my following surveys, follow me to find out about surveys and news.

This is just the begginig of the greatest evolution of health