This photo is quite sentimental to me. It’s a cherishable moment that I will hold onto forever.
Just last year my dad suffered from a mild stroke. It was one of the scariest moments my family has ever witnessed. He still hasn’t fully recovered but he is doing so much better than before.
He doesn’t have his full strength back yet and can’t really get around as much as he’d like to but he made a special effort to ραѕѕ ∂σωη тнє ℓσνє as his father once did for him.
Capturing the moments when my dad planted our first plant was very emotional for me.
The fact that he is still here with us is a blessing and not to be taken for granted. Then there’s the other fact. No matter what health condition he was in this moment was of priority to him. It motivates me to take care of our garden even more so now.
This is a continuation of my garden journal. Today I will share Day 3 which is the day we planted our new babies.
Yep, I literally have 17 children now. These twelve plants are like my little babies. I am constantly looking out for them and making sure they have what they need to survive. I don’t want any harm coming their way so I’m like a mama bear looking out for rabbits all the time. 😁
Here’s how our planting day went...
Dαу 3
Remember all the plants on the side of our house I showed you? Let me show you how they are blooming after just a week and a half.

I am really excited about our hostas plants. They are so beautiful and always put a smile on my face when I see them.

This plant that I thought was a tomato plant is blooming lovely too. Looks like I’ll have to wait to see what it is once it blooms it’s flowers/fruit. Thank you @fanyokami and @minismallholding for bringing my attention to this. 😉
Now, onto our vegetable garden.

I was planning on buying our plants but my parents surprised me and did it for me. They brought over 3 of each plant.
My father planted the first tomato plant. I watched as he took care to place it deep enough and then covered it with enough soil to keep it nice and stable.

I use tomatoes in the kitchen quite often so I am excited to taste our homegrown tomatoes! 😋

Next was the head lettuce. My parents dug the holes as we planted the vegetables. I was amazed looking at all the roots in the soil. How Amazing is our God and how He provides food to nourish our bodies. I am always intrigued by His Wonders.

The third plant was broccoli. My kids like eating raw broccoli and I also cook it a lot in our meals. It was a must have in our garden. 😊
First a closer look at the roots.

Finally was the cabbage. I use cabbage strips to substitute noodles in our soups for a healthier option.

My parents further surprised us by giving us a small white fence they no longer needed. I was really excited about it because I wanted to put some type of barrier up.
Here’s my father installing it now...

Here’s a final look from the opposite side...

Tнere’ѕ Oυr Fιrѕт Gαrdeɴ!
I’ll leave you with a few images of the plants in front of our home. These were already planted before we moved in by Stacey and her family.
These first plants I will be gifting to my mother.
Guess why?
They will bloom flowers and as mentioned in my previous post I don’t want any plants that attracts bees.
These are stargazer lilies. I know they will be very beautiful but they aren’t for me. 😌

These next ones I’ll have to look up because Stacey can’t remember what they are called but they are also beautifully blooming. I just hope there are no flowers coming with it. 😬😄

Last but not least Stacey told me there are strawberry vines everywhere in the front. We found a strawberry leaf already.
I decided to buy more strawberries because we eat them raw as well as use them in all kinds of breakfast dishes and desserts. I plan on getting the grounds ready for that this week.
Look at me talking about getting the grounds ready. I sound like one of you all lol! 😆 Yay I’m officially a gardener! Woot Woot! 🌱

That concludes my garden journal for now. I’ll be checking in to give you updates throughout the Summer.
That’s if I have a surviving garden to even talk about. 🤞🏽👀😜
It is not recommended that you try to remove all the bees from your garden. Without them, your flowers will be less likely to pollinate and produce food for you to eat. Most gardeners plant flowers near their vegetable or fruit crops to improve their outcome.
I know what you're saying is true, I just can't be around a lot of bees . Maybe I'll make history as the first gardener to succeed without them. 🤷🏽♀️
We are planning to grow strawberries and I know those have flowers. Soooo I guess we will have some bees. 🙅🏽♀️
Those are very special photos @crosheille. Worthy of a frame. My favourite is of your dad tenderly holding the little plant showing the roots. Very significant. Considering he is the root of your family (children's) line. And I'm not referring to the 17 kids! Sorry that I haven't answered. Thanks for your very special comment, faraway penpal. I remember you said that a couple years ago. Seems like now it's really true. We lost a friend very suddenly to a heart attack this week so I'm distracted in the daily activities. Life is so short. But what a blessing to know his heart was always for our Heavenly Father Who will bottle the tears of those left behind. Just as promised in psalms
Thank you @buckaroobaby. ☺️ They are so special to me.
Wow I didn’t even think of it that way. Thank you for that! 😊
Yes, when I said that back then I really felt we were supposed to be connected in some way and look, we still are. ♥️
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Life is so short and so many unexpected events happen. Praise the Lord your friend knew Him. We can go about life and accomplish so many great things while we’re here but there’s really only one thing that matters in the end...did we know the Father and have a relationship with Him. I pray this for all my loved ones that they will get to know the One Who truly loves them unconditionally.
Hi @ecoinstant! I have been sharing about my beginner gardener experiences and would love to be considered to receive a Gardner badge. Could you please review my account to see if I qualify?
Thank you ~ 🙂
Aw, such a sweet story, and yes, plants are like our children!!! Loved this post - the new #gardenjournal challenge goes out tomorrow!
Thank you. ☺️
Yes, they truly are like our children. I didn't realize that until now.
Oh awesome!! I wasn’t for sure how the schedule was being ran so I decided to post as I had the materials ready.
Is it once a month?
Broccoli!! Darn it, I forgot to put the broccoli in the stew today... I'll need to prep and freeze it before it goes bad...
What precious memories to have for your first garden. So glad your father is still with you for this.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 135/150) Liquid rewards.
Hahahaha! Uh oh sorry to remind you that you forgot to add them. 😬😆
Thank you so much. He made it all even more special ~
Looks like a really nice garden, good luck to your dad's continued recovery
Thank you. We're really proud of our mini garden and hope it does well.
I appreciate that. We are making sure he takes good care of himself. 🙂
that one plant up there that is a tree, it looks to me like an elm of sorts, possibly slippery elm, or american elm, or another species of elm. just a guess though. and I learned yesterday on a plant walk with an ethnobotanist friend of mine that you can eat hostas! who would have thought. my dad has been planting them for years (he is a horticulturist) and I had no idea.
The bigger it gets the more treelike it’s getting. I even had a thought that it looked like a mini tree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the plant.
What? Really? Hostas are edible? I would have never guessed that.
Thanks again for stopping by and leaving your input ~
Elms are pretty cool! Rare in some cases, like American Elm and Slippery Elm. Yeah! The ethnobotany Marc Williams, my friend in North Carolina, on a plant walk the other day, told me Hostas are eaten in some cultures. had no idea.
Thanks for sharing that with me...I learn something new daily :)
Great orchard, you have quite a variety. How nice to eat a lettuce salad straight from your garden.
Thank you! It would be so nice to be able to make a salad right from our own garden! 😃
Wow, compelling photo, and touching story. My Dad suffered a major stroke a few years ago.
I feel he's still with me even though he lives far away and hasn't seemed to be quite his 'old self' ever since his surgeries.
It's beautiful how you've taken inspiration from it and added extra love into your garden. I was inspired to make a 2-hour long health & healing video to help speed his recovery but my family weren't open to studying it, so I don't think he ever really saw it. Point is, we were both inspired by our Dad's experiences.
Speaking of... Even though I've very little experience with gardening, I definitely appreciate the abundance and magic that plants add to our world. My friend Adam bought many acres and has really levelled up his gardening lately. So it seems to be showing up more in my life. May everyone's garden's blossom and thrive, sending lots of good vibes to you and your parents.
P.S. This post made me hungry, lunch time! :)
Thank you @ryzeonline.
Yes, it’s a tough thing to go through. The doc is saying it will be hard for him to fully recover considering his age. I am holding onto and believing he will continue to get better and better. 🙂
Wow that was nice of you to create that video. If he hasn’t yet seen it maybe he still will one day. Yes, both of our dad’s experiences did inspire us. 😊
I appreciate the abundance plants bring too. That’s cool about your friend Adam. I’m going to be doing a lot of reading and learning because even though my parents gardened all these years, I payed very little attention. 😁
Haha well I hope you enjoyed your lunch. Thanks so much for the visit ~
I love your belief, I also believe he'll get better and better I feel the same towards my father.
Everything in it's right time, right?
Adam is so generous with his foodstuffs, and like you does a lot of reading and learning as he tends to his garden. I'm blessed to know such conscientious plant-helpers :)
I did enjoy, and then spent 4 straight days writing a 16,000 word guide, lol.
Thank YOU for the comment, support, encouragement and YOUR visit :)
Yes, everything in it's right time ;)
Lol, ambitious is definitely one of your traits and you pulled it off well :D
Always ~
Amen to that. And thank you! Ambition has carried us far, so I'm honored to embody such a trait (ideally in a positive way!) 😆
Always! ~
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Thanks a bunch for the support!
It would be nice to have your own garden, let alone the plants without using pesticides. and it's a healthy vegetable for health. ☺😊😊😊
Exactly! We are only using organic/raw compost to enrich our soil and adding essential oils to our water base to help keep them thriving. 😀
We are very exciting to see how it does.
Thanks for your feedback ~
What a beautiful garden. Your soil looks so fertile. I have to make my own compost. When it rains here or I water, most of it seeps through the lava rocks. Lol
Upvoted and reblogged..
Thank you so much! 😃
Oh wow. So how often do you have to water?
People keep telling me to build a compost box. I’ve just been putting it all in a bag an keeping it in the refrigerator until we use it.
hahaha I love it, it is very cool that apart from being a healthy activity for the earth it is also a time when the family works together, that helps the family dynamics
I totally agree! Thank you. 😊
Omg it's so cute, love it!
😄 Thank you!!
beautiful pictures!! i love to see the plants in their growing process, is very nice!! I'm glad for you that you are starting your vegetable garden!
p.s. i want to see what plant is that too hahah
Thanks so much! I am enjoying the growing process.
Hee hee okay! 😄 I'll be sure to let you know once I confirm! 👌🏽
Precioso y sustentable ese jardín....que belleza!
Thank you kindly ~ ☺️
Excelentes fotos, es una idea muy buena la de tener su propio huerto.Que bonito es poder ir al patio y cosechas nuestros alimentos🥬🥕🍆. Bendiciones para ti. Espero tu padre se recupere pronto🙏
Excellent photos, it is a very good idea to have your own garden, how beautiful it is to be able to go to the patio and harvest our food 🥕🍆. Blessings to you. I hope your father recovers soon🙏
Thank you very much! It is such a blessing to be able to plant right outside our home. 😊
Thank you. We are praying for a full recovery. Blessings to you as well ~ ❤️
Very cool about your dad being able to plant. Nice little garden. :))
Thanks so much. It was so wonderful having him there to do this for us and watching him plant the first one :)
Hola un saludos, felicidades por tan hermosa siembra de verdad que quede enamorada de cada una de ellas son tan bonitas y sus colores muy llamativos, cuando era mas joven las plantas no llamaban mi atención, pero a medida que he avanzado en edad he tenido mas interés por sembrar, aunque las plantas que he sembrado no son frutales, las plantas que tengo son mas ornamentales. Gracias por compartir su siembra y esas hermosas fotos tan llamativas
Hello and thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the plants and their colors :)
I am the same way, I appreciate all kinds of nature much more now. Especially after understanding the benefits of them.
Thanks so much for the visit and comment ~
A usted por publicar este tipo de contenido, estudiando las plantas y sus beneficios aprovechando que me hablo de beneficios, la bella las once como la conocemos en Venezuela es sorprendente la cantidad de beneficios que aporta me sorprendió como una planta tan bonita tenga tantos beneficios
Delightful stuff CroSheille, seems to be the season of garden creation! I've started something similar with potatoes in the front garden and, funnily enough, planted 17 on the top terrace. I like that number which has multiple meanings for me :)
I like how your family - generations up and down - have been involved in this project. Incidentally, my mum gave me some fencing for my tattie garden - another nice parallel!
I wish you all much pleasure and enjoyment 🤗
Thanks @barge! Yes, it is definitely the season for gardening and blooming.
Oh wow look at that. So cool you planted 17 :D
Thank you. It has motivated me more knowing that all of my family is enjoying it too. It makes it even more special when your loved ones are involved ~
That there is the icing on any cake 🤗
Absolutely it is. 😉