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RE: Life without dentists? Brush with soap, heal cavities & regrow teeth

Ciao @samstonehill !! This is SUCH a brilliant post, and I'm sharing it willy-nilly! Thank you for summarising so well... I had a lot of this info in my back-brain, or intuitively knew it, but hadn't put it all together, and sometimes we need to see it in one place to activate our Knowing, eh!

Yey, I had exemplary teeth as a child - my siblings all did too - going to the dentist was a 'nothing' trip. But when I moved to the city - Glasgow for art school and then London afterwards - my teeth and gums immediately began to suffer. The very few times I went to the dentist, there was immense pressure to do massive interventions, which I refused for the most part - though my first visit as an innocent islander teenager resulted in a truly mean-spirited man giving me four fillings. Bleuuurgh.

That all felt very wrong, and I just avoided dentistry almost altogether for many years, and noticed my oral health improving! I actually dated a dentist here, and unfortunately trusted him to give me a check-up, in which he took the edging off of my front tooth, claiming to be 'improving it' by filing it down, effectively, when I thought he was just cleaning it. I was livid!

So that was about 8 years ago, and I haven't done anything special in regards to my teeth, but have done some seed oil 'pulling' and cleaning... and my upgrading conscious has been suggesting to me for some time that I might heal and regrow teeth: it simply fits in with everything else I'm learning about healing and improving the body. I certainly have moved rather far from conventional medicine, and would never trust someone profiting on such levels that doctors and dentists tend to, to care for my body.

Sooooo glad to have your affirmations here, and I'm looking forward to seeing your updates, and moving forward to heal my own beautiful natural teeth! I was also thinking that the fillings might push themselves out eventually: being affirmed that this is a possibility is VERY inspiring and liberating to me!!

HuGE GraTiTuDE!!


Hey there @clareartista

What a lovely detailed message!

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am so pleased you found this post at the perfect moment. Indeed, just like you I had a growing sense about this subject (love our upgrading consciousness!) but lacked in the past the motivation to sit down for an entire week and do the research. My recent experience with the dentist however (very grateful to him) was the motivation I needed.

I also had amazing teeth in my countrified youth but when I moved to London they started to go downhill. Diet, stress & toxins are the key factors here I would say!

The documentary Root Canal drifted 'by chance' into my feed a few weeks ago and I was blown away by the content. From here it was easy to keep on pushing for the truth.

Just happy other people seem to appreciate this research.

All the best on your mission and please feel free to drop me links under my latest posts if you do any teeth updates! I would love to follow your progress but my feed is always too busy to keep an eye on everyone.

Thanks for mentioning the Root Canal docu... though I can imagine that like any good documentary about the true intentions of any aspect of the medical industry (e.g., The Bleeding Edge), it might make very uncomfortable watching.... 🙏
Yes, thank you too for mentioning upgrades! I'm having somevery challenging release of old trauma, and only today am feeling a new self peeking through! What a week!!