In the pharmacopoeia of traditional American Indian Medicine there are many plants that help the physical, mental and spiritual body, among them YOPO is par excellence the most powerful ancestral Medicine for more than 7000 years according to Archeology and Anthropology, our ancestors have used this Powerful Medicine for your benefit, it should be noted that the Anadenanthera peregrina Plant is rich in N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-hydroxylated (bufotenine) and 5-methoxylated (5-MeO-DMT) .4 Powerful alkaloids that affect The health of those who use it with respect ... I am not promoting the use of psychedelic drugs with this publication, on the contrary, it is known throughout the world that they are excellent for the control of the most self-sacrificing addictions, it is a bridge between the spiritual and physical, leading the individual to a state of deep connection with self-healing and the true intention of our life and the truth of the world around us.
In our Ethnic groups the spiritual guides (Shamans) use it to contact the sick person through their visions and to help them find the true purpose and illness suffered by the sick. YOPO Medicine is a mystery full of benefits for mental and physical illnesses. helping to control schizophrenia, depression, sleep disorders, freeing the patient from such a bad scourge that consumes a large part of the world population physically, helps to control multiple ailments of the body, including arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid diseases that lead to people to have mobility problems making them more vulnerable to the world and their daily tasks there is no doubt that our pasts have excellent health their traditions have led them on the right path respecting nature and the benefits that plants of the jungle in Venezuela where I am from the YANOMAMIS, YEKUANAS, PIAROAS ethnic groups and among others they carry in their DNA a powerful symbiosis with the Jungle and their power plants the use of these plants is always linked to the spiritual world in this wonderful green Ocean they find their food, their Medicine and their way of life unshakable through time.
Yopo was used for millennia as a currency where its seeds played an important role in the barter that was essential for the subsistence of many Ethnic groups where such plants did not exist, the Anadenanthera peregrina is the most powerful plant in the Venezuelan Amazon jungle, Colombian, Brazilian and the Caribbean.
Yopo channels the self-healing of our physical body and increases cognitive capacity, managing to break with that barrier imposed by society and the bad practice of modern medicine that only seeks to confuse and profit from the underprivileged. and they charge high sums of money to buy Yopo, something that I see as dantesque and annoying since ancestral medicine should be free of payments. I don't see the moment it is practiced, which completely damages the concept of indigenous traditional medicine.
Many use YOPO as a Enteogen of the New Age forgetting its healing properties and its property of solving spiritual problems of which many diseases such as Cancer and disorders of all kinds lie in our fragile bodies, I dare to affirm that YOPO is part of quantum Medicine hopefully someday soon it will be recognized as the Medicine of the future.

It's SOOOO important that the so-called "first world" begins to learn more about the wild medicine plants of South America. Really appreciating the personal connection you have to this imformation, and your striking images.
Following you from Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. 😊
Thank you very much to me, if it is really very unfortunate, a lot of valuable information is misrepresented by magico-religious beliefs and you do not have access to this wonderful medicine that has done good to people who were really very bad on a physical level, for example I have serious problems in my spine and I have used this medicine as a means of self-healing and it is very effective. I can walk easily and I do not have pain in my spine as extreme as before experimenting with this wonderful ancient medicine. Thanks for the support!
One person's "sacred" is another person's "magico-religious". 😆
I'm thrilled you've had a great outcome from using the medicine - more persona stories are needed! 😉
is not a reliable source of information.
This person is not a doctor, and has not gone into the jungle to learn with any tribe.
The information he shares is dangerous.
people with mental problems need special care. dmt can make their condition worse.
Ñua (name of "yopo") cannot be given to people who are being treated with antidepressants, seizure medicines, or medicines for schizophrenia.
Be careful.
@auelitairene, you are quite correct that the compounds in these medicines have adverse reactions with the medications you listed. However, this author has not made the claim of using this medicine while taking the others, only that the medicine can help people with those ailments (I'm assuming that it would be taken as an alternative to pharmaceuticals). You are quite correct that this medicine can certainly worsen mental health conditions, though, and should only be approached by those with the proper training in handling these medicines and mental illness together. This author seems not to be giving any type of health advice though. What I am reading is an informative post with a bit of personal experience. I definitely appreciate your advice to be cautious with this medicine and this information.
@carlosadolfochac, perhaps you could add a disclaimer at the end of your post to clarify that you are not offering medical advice to help clarify that a bit?
@alchemage, Thanks for the support and recommendations!
epale brother, todo excelente salvo porque el yopo no es recomendable para la ezquizofrenia, incluso esta contraindicado, es importante que las personas con estas enfermedades se informen antes de acudir a una ceremonia, tambien es importante acotar que es muy bueno para la depresion pero las personas deben evitar tomar medicamentos para la depresion por lo menos una semana antes de la ceremonia
¡¡Saludos bro... cuando se sabe administrar claro si se puede y los esquizofrénicos mejoran, nada que ver con Ceremonias es algo a nivel Científico a nivel de investigaciones Médicas no algo que tenga que ver con los Piaroas qué es la parte que en Venezuela se conoce y tu sabes por lo que veo de que te estoy hablando la ciencia y la parte indígena mitología ancestral es otro asunto... un fuerte abrazo mi pana!!@joseacabrerav
Hermano, con el respeto a la ciencia moderna, los que a investigar van precisamente con los Piaroas. Segundo hablas de estudios sin citar. José habla de experiencias reales en pacientes esquizofrenicos tratados con yopo. Si tienes algún paper o estudio que avale lo que dices pues haz la referencia. Es un poco irresponsable hacer afirmaciones ciegas, especialmente cuando se trata de estas medicinas ancestrales, que tienen su estudio por las comunidades indígenas y son muy potentes y deben de ser manejadas por gente que sepa cómo y qué hacen.
On a scientific level I wonder, did you learn about dmt through internet research? or by studying medicine at a university in the country?
The ñua in the photos is from which tribe?
Where did you get all the scientific information from? Do you have reliable sources that can tell me about the studies done on people with mental problems?
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Everything ok! i really like your pictures, but you need be carefull with the information do you shared because its a powerfull medicine and need a lot job to learn it.
Not its something to play like a child.
Please be more carefull with the afirmations that you share with the people.
Ohhhhh, such a beautiful medicine! 💚
Thank You for the showcase and honouring 💚🙏
@ianperic, Thanks for commenting and support!
Hello, we who take medicine have a immense respect and we are very grateful for the healing it provides, the correct use of Yopo, which means for the Piaroa snort, Yopo everything inhaled through the nose, the incorrect use without surveillance and due protection can have consequences, in the Piaroa cosmo vision there are beings who call them invisible , beings who only have conscience and who, according to them, approach when people yope, so they protect the place where yopo is inhaled, as well as Chants are very important just like shaman instruments.
Yopo study is a path of responsibility and of "kuami kiache" which means strength. The Piaroa man is strong as well as its women.
Yopo can rise out sensibility when I use “ ñua “ is how the shaman RUFINO calls his medicine, I can hear louder and I see different, my creativity increase, but that sensibility also can be overwhelming, so the correct use is very important!
Blessing for you !