Hello friends
Today I have brought to you homemade natural drinks which are very easy to make and are very beneficial for boost the immune system.
Turmeric Milk
Boost your immunity
Milk -2 cup
Turmeric - half tsp
Pepper - half tsp,crushed
Cinnamon- half inch
Ginger - 1 inch, grated
Coconut oil - 1 tsp
Whisk & mix
Milk has nutrients & protein that benefit our health , Turmeric has anti-inflammatory & antioxidant effects ,Pepper enhance the absorption of Curcumin, Cinnamon help our body fight infection & repair tissue damage ,Ginger help in digestion, fight the flu and common cold , Coconut oil is healthy fat, boost energy & endurance
- First take the soucepan, mix all the ingredients in it and cook on low heat till the milk boils.
- Whisk and mix well making sure everything is well combined.
- Cool slightly - flavours absorbed golden colour .
- Honey - 1tsp, optional
Immune boost drink Ready to serve ❣️
Next Recipe Ginger Cardamom tea.☕
Tea lover 😋
- Water - 2 cup
- Ginger - 1 inch, grated
- Cardamom - 2 pods
- Cinnamon- small piece
- Tea powder - 3 tsp
- Milk half cup
- Suger 2 tsp
Put 2 cup of water in a pot, add all the ingredients, cook for 5 minutes till it comes to a boil, then add Tea powder and stir well. Tea decoction ready , Add half a cup of milk, sugar and cook for 2 minutes. Boil well ginger cardamom tea ready.
Almond Milk Homemade
Recipe healthy & tasty.
Ingredients 👇
- Almonds
- Cardamom - 2 pods
- Milk powder- half cc
- Saffron
- Turmeric
Put almonds in a frying pan and roast on low heat until golden crisp. Then let it cool completely. When it cools down, blend almond, cardamom, saffron and all of them to make fine powder. Half a cup of milk powder in a pot Almond powder turmeric saffron Mix all these things well.( And store in airtight container )
Put the milk in a bowl. Mix 2 tablespoons of homemade almond powder. Mix well in the milk and cook the milk till it boils and keep stirring for one minute till the milk thickens.flaver absorbed,add suger only if required .
Try it ..
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