Viaje cuántico hacia la comunidad de HIVE || Quantum Journey to theHive Community [Esp-Eng]

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

Fluyendo por la vida hemos dado una vuelta por la Gran Caracas en tiempo récord, el día viernes volvimos a mudarnos y en esta ocasión estos 3 seres se convirtieron en 15... tres humanos, once felinos y un pistolero ciego.
Flowing through life, we went around Greater Caracas in record time. On Friday we moved again and this time these three beings became 15... three humans, eleven cats and a blind gunman.



Aprovechando la ayuda de un amigo nos trasladamos nuevamente a caracas llegando temprano al apartamento donde nos esperaban con emoción. La humanidad esta tan perdida en banalidades que conseguir personas honestas es algo difícil y nuestra anfitriona ya había tenido que pasar por varias malas experiencias (cosas que tenemos en común). Después de cinco mudanzas comencé a sentir que no podía confiar en nadie, pero al parecer llegamos a un lugar donde también habían convivido con esquizofrenicos y religiosos de mal obrar así que nos unimos en un sentimiento colectivo que concluye en que el mundo se volvió loco y nosotros con el, por lo que quien niega su locura, probablemente sea el mas loco de todos.

Dadas las circunstancias previas, abrimos un circulo de palabra donde cada quien habla de su locura y de como la trabaja, es hora de poner puntos sobre las (ies), para evitar inconvenientes a futuro, la convivencia entre personas simplemente es compleja.

Pasamos los siguientes 3 días hablando y compartiendo anepdotas de nuestro previo camino de sanación, drenando tensiones y adaptándonos al entorno. No sabia que podía extrañar tanto la comunicación y el contacto humano, la cuarentena nos ha encerrado en un espacio antinatural, y hablar con otros, me trajo serenidad, la suficiente como para sentirme cómoda y crear de nuevo.

Taking advantage of a friend's help we moved back to caracas arriving early to the apartment where we were expected with excitement. Humanity is so lost in banalities that getting honest people is something difficult and our hostess had already had to go through several bad experiences (things we have in common). After five moves I began to feel that I could not trust anyone, but it seems that we arrived at a place where they had also lived with schizophrenics and religious of bad works so we joined in a collective feeling that concludes that the world went crazy and we with it, so who denies his madness, is probably the craziest of all.

Given the previous circumstances, we open a circle of words where everyone talks about their madness and how they work it, it is time to put points on the (ies), to avoid future inconveniences, the coexistence between people is simply complex.

We spent the next 3 days talking and sharing anepdotes of our previous healing path, draining tensions and adapting to the environment. I did not know that I could miss so much communication and human contact, the quarantine has locked us in an unnatural space, and talking to others, brought me serenity, enough to feel comfortable and create again.


Adiwaju jamas había convivido con otras personas o animales, por lo que hemos estado a la expectativa durante todo su proceso de unirse a la manada, lo grandioso es que se ha acoplado de maravillas, ya esta activa jugando con los mas jóvenes de la manada.

Adiwaju has never lived with other people or animals before, so we have been waiting for her to join the herd. The great thing is that she has been able to adapt to the new environment and is already playing with the youngest members of the herd.

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Vision de Hive || Hive's Vision

* ¿Mundo virtual o mundo físico? || Virtual world or physical world?

Sin remordimientos deje mi trabajo virtual a un lado y me dedique a poner un poco de orden y de presente en mi vida, trabajo físico y mental, que a su vez ordena el espiritual. Desde que entre a la pagina, me había mantenido "constante" era mi forma de protección ante los cambios tan incómodos que se nos presentaban mudanza tras mudanza. Trabajar era la forma mas efectiva de evitar la nueva energía del coronavirus; Entre esquizofrenia y bipolaridad, la pagina era una ventanita de aire.

Without remorse I left my virtual work aside and dedicated myself to put a little order and present in my life, physical and mental work, which in turn orders the spiritual. Since I entered the site, I had kept "constant " as my way of protecting myself from the uncomfortable changes that came with moving after moving. Working was the most effective way to avoid the new energy of the coronavirus; between schizophrenia and bipolarity, the website was a little window of air.

Inicios. || Beginnings.

Mi trabajo comenzó con la exploración de la pagina, no soy una persona de redes sociales, por esa razón elegí el nombre de @auelitairene, porque realmente soy una abuela tras la computadora. Me estaba yendo tan bien que la emoción me invadía, Me dedique a aprender mas de HTML y de el concepto general de la pagina, para poder avanzar sin la ayuda de @joseacabrerav, que ya tenia suficiente trabajo. Comprendí rápidamente que la dinámica debía ser orgánica, comentar, votar, rebloggear, crosspostear, delegar, hacer power up... entre otros términos nuevos que debía conocer si quería ser parte de alguna comunidad; @naturalmedicine fue ese rincón donde encontré un grupo de personas con las que yo estaba vibrando. Permacultura, autosuficiencia, medicinas naturales, espiritualidad, todos temas que me agradaban y de los cuales quiero aprender.

Una vibra hermosa y fui conociendo personas maravillosas en el camino, tanto así que comencé a invitar a mis amigos que también se manejaban en el mundo de las medicinas universales y de sanación espiritual, teniendo como resultado proyectos como @adiwathrive y #432hzConcerts que me hacen disfrutar de las buenas vibras dentro de hive.

My work began with the exploration of the page, I am not a social networker, for that reason I chose the name of @auelitairene, because I really am a grandmother behind the computer. I was doing so well that the emotion was invading me, I dedicated myself to learn more about HTML and the general concept of the page, to be able to advance without the help of @joseacabrerav, who already had enough work. I quickly understood that the dynamic had to be organic, comment, vote, reblog, crosspost, delegate, power up... among other new terms that I had to know if I wanted to be part of some community; @naturalmedicine was that corner where I found a group of people I was vibrating with. Permaculture, self-sufficiency, natural medicines, spirituality, all topics that I liked and from which I want to learn. A beautiful vibration and I was meeting wonderful people along the way, so much so that I began to invite my friends who were also involved in the world of universal medicine and spiritual healing, resulting in projects like @adiwathrive and #432hzConcerts that make me enjoy the good vibes within hive.

La Irene Multifacetica. || The Irene Multifaceted.

Durante toda mi vida he podido practicar diversas actividades culturales, artísticas y deportivas, por lo que me gusta de vez en cuando interactuar con la diversidad del mundo, pero para eso debía comunicarme en ingles y aunque tengo dominio del idioma, siempre he sufrido de panico escenico, problemas de autoestima y de seguridad al hablarlo, #hive me ha servido para "soltar la lengua" y mantenerme en la practica diaria por lo que ya poco a poco puedo expresarme con mas claridad.

Aunque ya había encontrado una comunidad que me gustaba, pensé que la mejor forma de conocer la plataforma era entrando a distintas comunidades, siempre para mantener la curiosidad al margen de mis exigencias personales. Seguí explorando, buscando relacionarme más, busque cantar, escribir historias de terror, participar en iniciativas, y escribir de todos los temas posibles para mi, solo buscando mi esencia y mi lugar, algo que me gustara para crear un contenido entretenido para mi, antes que para los demás.

Although I had already found a community that I liked, I thought that the best way to get to know the platform was by entering different communities, always to keep my curiosity away from my personal demands. I kept on exploring, looking for more relationships, looking for singing, writing horror stories, participating in initiatives, and writing about all possible topics for me, just looking for my essence and my place, something I would like to create an entertaining content for me, before others.Throughout my life I have been able to practice various cultural, artistic and sporting activities, so I like to interact with the diversity of the world from time to time, but for that I had to communicate in English and although I have mastered the language, I have always suffered from stage fright, self-esteem and security problems when speaking it, #hive has served me to "loosen the language" and keep me in daily practice so that I can gradually express myself more clearly.

Pico de autocritica. || Peak self-criticism.

Mi personalidad es algo dificil, soy fuego, mi ritmo es acelerado, por lo que llego a los lugares buscando mi rincón comodidad ante la acción, siempre me rodeo de personas que obren de la misma forma, para evitar problemas laborales (que se pueden llegar a ser inevitables), pero siempre prefiero que sean por mi carácter fuerte, antes que por haber actuado bajo la codicia y el odio.

Llegue a hive con muchas expectativas, me vendieron la pagina como quien vende el paraíso antigobiernos. Pero cuando entre y vi con mis propios ojos que tenia mucho que comentar y que desear. Para mi no existe la pureza absoluta, por lo que cuando me venden algo maravilloso, trato de ser objetiva a la hora de juzgar y bueno, como era de esperarse, encontré varios huecos donde mi lógica me hacia enfadar, muchos movimientos y transacciones que no entendía, comencé a hacer post para expresar mis criticas y sugerencias, que estoy segura pueden ser palabras mudas para algunos y que ya quedaron en el olvido, siempre es mejor ignorar aquello que debemos hacer para autocorregirnos.

My personality is somewhat difficult, I am fire, my pace is accelerated, so I get to the places looking for my comfort corner before the action, I always surround myself with people who act the same way, to avoid work problems (which may become inevitable), but I always prefer to be by my strong character, rather than having acted under the greed and hatred.

I arrived at hive with many expectations, I was sold the page as one who sells the anti-government paradise. But when I went in and saw with my own eyes that I had a lot to comment on and desire. For me there is no such thing as absolute purity, so when I am sold something wonderful, I try to be objective when judging and well, as expected, I found several gaps where my logic made me angry, many movements and transactions that I did not understand, I began to make post to express my criticisms and suggestions, which I am sure can be silent words for some and that are already forgotten, it is always better to ignore what we must do to correct ourselves.

No Desanimarse y actuar dando el ejemplo. || Don't get discouraged and act as an example.

La siguiente etapa de mi viaje era la de no desanimarme y mantenerme enfocada, habían demasiadas cosas que me parecían incomodas, realmente hay mucho contenido que "no vale la pena" pero por lo visto para algunos, el objetivo principal es el de generar dinero sin hacer nada, lo que me hacia cuestionarme el verdadero significado de la pagina, iba a seguir invitando a mas personas a hive sabiendo que el sistema tiene esas fallas aun?; Debía mantener mi mente ignorando aquello que no tenia el poder de cambiar y que sinceramente era una opinión algo egolatra que sabia, no era necesaria. En facebook y en instagram los usuarios son creativos porque si no, no generas seguidores. Aquí solo importaba ser visto por la ballena mas accesible o mas dispuesta a premiarte para luego drenar la moneda y mantener ese ciclo que aunque no es rentable, es el que esta y al parecer funciona.

The next stage of my journey was not to get discouraged and stay focused, there were too many things that seemed uncomfortable, there is really a lot of content that "is not worth it" but apparently for some, the main objective is to generate money without doing anything, which made me question the true meaning of the page, I was going to continue inviting more people to live knowing that the system still has those flaws? I had to keep my mind ignoring that which did not have the power to change and that was sincerely a somewhat egomaniacal opinion that I knew was not necessary. In facebook and instagram users are creative because if not, you do not generate followers. Here it only mattered to be seen by the most accessible whale or the most willing to reward you and then drain the currency and maintain that cycle which although not profitable, is the one that this and apparently works.



Break repentino y parada en los pits. || Sudden break and stop at the pits.

Por días estuve muy cargada de pensamientos de este tipo, debatiendo conmigo misma si esta labor valía o no mi esfuerzo, en ocasiones me canso y le sedo el paso a la ansiedad que es la que no me permite disfrutar del presente. Sacudidas energéticas que te indican que el camino de ves en cuando te esta enseñando a liberar la mente de las paredes que uno mismo crea con sus expectativas y con sus ganas de creer que el mundo funcionara como nosotros suponemos "debe ser".

Así que deje fluir mis emociones, descargue mi mente de todo eso y me propuse restructurarlo todo, dejando a un lado la presión que me había auto-impuesto y permitiéndome volver al estado la creatividad que naturalmente hay en mi.

For days I was very loaded with thoughts of this kind, debating with myself whether this work was worth my effort or not, sometimes I get tired and give way to the anxiety that is the one that does not allow me to enjoy the present. Energetic shocks that indicate that the path you see from time to time is teaching you to free your mind from the walls that you create with your expectations and your desire to believe that the world works as we suppose "it should".

So I let my emotions flow, I downloaded my mind from all that and I set out to restructure everything, leaving aside the pressure that I had self-imposed and allowing myself to return to the state of creativity that naturally exists in me.

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Cinco meses de emociones intensas y de aprendizajes que me trajeron al punto donde aprendí que el camino hay que disfrutarlo y que cuando comenzamos a percibir nuestro pasatiempos como un trabajo, todo se cae abajo. Entonces ya mas calmada y centrada, puedo comenzar a crear en libertad, siendo parte de una comunidad que expresa que la diversidad libre es nuestro fuerte, así como nuestra perdición.
Siempre desde el corazón debemos cuestionarnos para no caer en los mismos errores que criticamos a diario, esa el el único consejo que una abuela podría ofrecer
Five months of intense emotions and learning brought me to the point where I learned that the path must be enjoyed and that when we begin to perceive our hobby as work, everything falls apart. Then, more calm and centered, I can begin to create in freedom, being part of a community that expresses that free diversity is our strength, as well as our downfall.
Always from the heart we must question ourselves so as not to fall into the same mistakes we criticize every day, that is the only advice a grandmother could offer

Este fue mi #hivetestimony. Espero hayan disfrutado de leer un poco de lo que ha sido mi experiencia durante un viaje cuántico para establecer mi comunidad fisica y virtual, acompañada por Hive.

This was my #hivetestimony. I hope you enjoyed reading a little of what my experience has been during a quantum journey to establish my physical and virtual community, accompanied by Hive.

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Curation project @adiwathrive

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Adiwa Thrive is a project founded on principles of balance, harmony and mindfulness. We celebrate indigenous folk medicine, the sacred feminine and all forms of spiritual practices. Supported by LOTUS, @naturalmedicine and @imagenius. We curate both Spanish and English content on HIVE.


Buen post. Me agrada tu filosofía para enfrentar los cambios y las situaciones que nos encontramos en las redes sociales.-

 5 years ago  

Muchas gracias por leer! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 lo que expresó viene desde mi trabajo diario llamado autoevaluación y se trata de una aceptación de todo cómo una corriente energética que te lleva atreves del camino llamado vida! Saludos! ♥️

 5 years ago  

Wow! Lots of changes happening there! Seemed someone was not to happy to be traveling by the frantic meows!

Glad you are settling down into what seems like a much better situation!
Happy to that you were able to let go of criticizing and running on what you desired or expectations you had so you could enjoy your experience on Hive and let your creativity flow!
Great advice:

Always from the heart we must question ourselves so as not to fall into the same mistakes we criticize every day
Thanks for sharing!

 5 years ago  

Yes, the trip was difficult for her, but thanks to God she is now very well and has 10 brothers and sisters by her side playing. She came to paradise and did not know it.

Thank you for your comment always grateful for your support, adiwaju is here with us in part thanks to you who supported us in the beginning.