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RE: Chlorine Dioxide Cures (symptoms known as) COVID

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

The medical industry are not interested in curing illness. Their aim is simply to make huge profits. Chlorine Dioxide costs next to nothing.

For example, the cost of the raw materials needed (Sodium Chlorite plus a food grade acid plus two dropper bottles) to make enough Chlorine Dioxide to cure a patient of cancer would likely be less than $5. The medical industry however charge (i've not researched the figures hardly at all so this is a bit of a wild guess based on a quick glance at this page between $10,000 & $200,000 for chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy kills patients, it does not cure. Patients who do not take the usual western medicine toxic treatment live about 4 times longer by doing nothing at all!

Even if the individual doctors wished to use it, they would not be allowed. Doctors are not allowed to cure patients. They get their licences taken away if they try too hard and get successful at it. If they continue privately they get threatened and even assassinated if they continue.

This may sound crazy, but i have a strong conviction this is the case. Check this out:

Thanks for your interest and for commenting. I in-courage you to research this yourself. It is up to each of us as individuals to do our own research. We cannot rely on the fake research from the murdering medical corporations. When they find something that cures patients and they cannot patent it and charge massive amounts of bucks for it, they cover it up, twist the statistics, basically do whatever they can to keep it hidden.
