Chlorine Dioxide Cures (symptoms known as) COVID

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)

Nine years ago i attended a training course for the use of Chlorine Dioxide (aka CD & MMS) and graduated as a Minister of Health for the Genesis II Church of Health & Healing. The non-religious church was set up by Jim Humble (who re-discovered the use of Chlorine Dioxide for human health) to attempt to protect those who try to help others with MMS from prosecution.

Chlorine Dioxide is an FDA approved substance for disinfection of water and in food processing. BUT, if you claim it can cure the diseases The Powers that Shouldn't Be want to kill you with, and become well known for spreading this info. then you may well get locked up in jail. Mark Grennon (Bishop of the church) & his sons are currently in prison in Bogota, Columbia for this reason. They are medical-political prisoners of the FDA!

Mike Adams @healthranger recently interviewed Mark Grennon. Read all about it in the link below and please share this information far and wide to help stop The Powers that Shouldn't Be committing Mass Murder of humanity.

Talking with Grenon, Adams has the preacher turned medical-political prisoner explain how and why he was arrested in the first place. Grenon explains how, when the COVID-19 pandemic started, he had started receiving multiple testimonies about the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide as a treatment for diseases, including COVID-19.


I carry an MMS kit with me whenever i travel and frequently give it away to those in need. When i ran The Sanctuary Holistic Healing Retreat Centre in Mexico (from 2012 to 2017 - now closed as i chose to move elsewhere), i helped guide many guests in the use of CD to successfully reverse many different diseases.

In this six minute video Dr. Manuel Aparicio tells The New American magazine’s Alex Newman that he has seen incredible results treating COVID19 and many other ailments using chlorine dioxide.

If you search the internet for info. re Chlorine Dioxide or MMS you will find much disinfo. as The Powers that Shouldn't Be and their paid task force of murder assistants do everything they can to prevent effective cues for disease becoming knowledge. Afher all, there are trillions of $$$ at stake for the Pharmaceutical / Medical for profit INDUSTRY which they own.

For the most up to date information and protocols about the use of MMS, i suggest visiting the MMS Forum and reading Jim Humble's MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
If you can't afford (or don't wish to) to buy a copy, let me know and i will ensure you can get access to this vital information.


Ps. Please research about and help to support The Matrix-8 Solution, a multi-level, bottom up equitable governance system, which includes a concentrated consensus and voting system. Find out more by joining and reading the posts in the New Age DApps community on Hive

Pps. Chlorine Dioxide purifies water. Our human bodies are around 80% Water. By taking CD the body gets purified and is then more able to "cure" itself of disease. Hence Chlorine Dioxide is effective in reversing many diseases including cancer, diabetes, HIV, multiple sclerosis and much much more. Please do yourself and humanity a big favour by learning about and using this cleansing mineral.


Excellent post!! We recently acquired both liquids and carried out the process to later dilute it in water and drink it every day. Although we are clear that certain drinks and foods can not be consumed more than anything acidic, I also have a controversy, I consume water kefir, milk kefir, kombucha and fermented foods that are undoubtedly acidic. I suffer from severe achalasia in my esophagus, my smooth muscles do not perform the peristaltic movements and I should have surgery. My partner suffers from chronic asthma, since childhood, we were both recommended to drink CDS but the problem is that we would like to know how to use it in the best possible way. From now on I really appreciate your information!! Thank you very much for your post, have a great day!! 🤗

Please confirm exactly what you have, pic of the bottles or the invoice. I am happy to guide you, but just want to be certain what you have Yes of course. Let me come to my house and I will send the photo of my products! Thank you very much for your prompt reply!!

Ok. Bedtime for me (UTC +3 timezone). Hasta manana

Until tomorrow! rest and dream very nice my dear!!

waiting for your pics - a reminder

I'm not sure about achalasia, but i expect MMS will take care of it. Having said this its important not to rely on just this, but also include other holistic cleansing modalities, in particular colon cleansing (enema is free and easy, as is breathwork, dry skin brushing, oil/water or urine pulling and urine therapy for example) and most importantly an emotional integration process. I highly recommend The Presence Process for this. See my webpage for info on all of these. I dont wish to overwhelm you with too much info, you can take one step at a time, but you will need to read and watch sime videos. You need to learn to be your own doctors, and that is not rhat difficult, it just takes time. I'm happy to have a video call with you if you like. I work by donation (or no donation - i have enougb), but your feedback is essential. I am not here to persuade or push.

All is well.

Peace and love to you both.

Wow thank you very much dear friend. I sincerely believe like you, we should be our own doctors and nurses. We can heal because we are perfect beings! I am entering the pages that you had recommended in the publication and little by little I will see all the information. I tell you that I live in Uruguay and here there are very few free things. Anyway I would very much like to be able to talk to you and that we can nurture ourselves and do not worry that it is fair to be able to exchange your knowledge for some Hive! It benefits all of us!! Have an excellent night and rest!! Here it is 7:29 pm. Hug!!🤗

Hi friend! Sorry for late.




This is my product. Thank you for you help! 🙏
Have a grate day!!

@mimi05 Sorry, i missed this (until now). Great, you have the right product for the MMS Health Recovery Plan, as detailed in the MMS Health Recovery Guide - linked to in my post. Please ask any questions as you read that and i can guide you further if you wish. Do you have the book, or would you like access? (i don't want to post it publicly)

Thank you very much dear friend! We are already consuming the CDS daily at 10% diluted in water. Anyway, I would like you to send me the book my e-mail: I think that there will be easier for both of us! Thank you very much for your help and support! Have a great day!!

We are already consuming the CDS daily at 10% diluted in water.

This does not sound correct to me. But anyway, full, exact instructions are in the book. Essential to read at least the first 6 chapters, but i encourage reading it all. email sent.

Sat Nam

Ps. i see you followed & then un-followed me. i have noticed there a delay in showing a succesful follow, so i click again, but that ends up as un-following. Perhaps you did that :-)

This is an interesting issue that the medicine world should look into and weigh whether it is really feasible to use in the above illnesses.

The medical industry are not interested in curing illness. Their aim is simply to make huge profits. Chlorine Dioxide costs next to nothing.

For example, the cost of the raw materials needed (Sodium Chlorite plus a food grade acid plus two dropper bottles) to make enough Chlorine Dioxide to cure a patient of cancer would likely be less than $5. The medical industry however charge (i've not researched the figures hardly at all so this is a bit of a wild guess based on a quick glance at this page between $10,000 & $200,000 for chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy kills patients, it does not cure. Patients who do not take the usual western medicine toxic treatment live about 4 times longer by doing nothing at all!

Even if the individual doctors wished to use it, they would not be allowed. Doctors are not allowed to cure patients. They get their licences taken away if they try too hard and get successful at it. If they continue privately they get threatened and even assassinated if they continue.

This may sound crazy, but i have a strong conviction this is the case. Check this out:

Thanks for your interest and for commenting. I in-courage you to research this yourself. It is up to each of us as individuals to do our own research. We cannot rely on the fake research from the murdering medical corporations. When they find something that cures patients and they cannot patent it and charge massive amounts of bucks for it, they cover it up, twist the statistics, basically do whatever they can to keep it hidden.


I downvoted you because you are sharing dangerous misinformation.

Anyone considering using chlorine dioxide or 'MMS', please do do your own research into the topic and avoid taking this person's word wholesale.

Advocating for the use of chlorine dioxide as a miracle cure is the same as advocating for the consumption of bleach and other disinfectants. In short, it's dangerous and downright stupid to do so.

I respect your right to down-vote and appreciate you commenting to explain. That is the right thing to do in my opinion. Namaste

Stuff like this on the internet makes me want to claw my eyes out. People will choose to live in an echo chamber of bad information. When met with opposition, the typical response is "fake news" and "do your own research". That's just lazy.

For example, when a doctor or a scientist make a statement, it is usually backed by a white paper explaining the research as to why they believe that. They are long as boring as fuck to read. It's why no one does. However, when new evidence comes to light that contradicts that the theory is no longer accepted. Remember when Pluto was a planet?

The article here should have been the research. It does not cite the sources. It is links to right wing blogs that does not cite the origin of the "research". It's laced with psychological triggers like "experts believe" and "sources say".

Instead of boring you with 10 paragraphs of how social media affects the modern brain or the AI in social media that gets you addicted to staying the platform regardless how crazy the information is, I'll just say it's bad. Really really bad.

99.9999% of the information on blogs or social media is written by people that DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. It's not about helping you. It's all about clicks and views. Regardless of the damage it does. It's all about that ad revenue.

Thanks for your comment. i'm not exactly sure though if you are referring to my post, or some of the sources i have linked to in my post, ot to some of the comments. i am sharing this information, which includes my personal experience, precisely because i do care about others.

Peace be with you.

Me and my man made sure to get a MMS set before we started travelling. It is really the only medicine we need. We frequently tell people we meet about it, whenever the topic comes up.
It's so important to spread the word so people can slowly get away from being dependent on the so called "health system".

The medical industry are not interested in curing illness. Their aim is simply to make huge profits. Chlorine Dioxide costs next to nothing.

For example, the cost of the raw materials needed (Sodium Chlorite plus a food grade acid plus two dropper bottles) to make enough Chlorine Dioxide to cure a patient of cancer would likely be less than $5. The medical industry however charge (i've not researched the figures hardly at all so this is a bit of a wild guess based on a quick glance at this page between $10,000 & $200,000 for chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy kills patients, it does not cure. Patients who do not take the usual western medicine toxic treatment live about 4 times longer by doing nothing at all!

Even if the individual doctors wished to use it, they would not be allowed. Doctors are not allowed to cure patients. They get their licences taken away if they try too hard and get successful at it. If they continue privately they get threatened and even assassinated if they continue.

This may sound crazy, but i have a strong conviction this is the case. Check this out:

I in-courage everyone one reading this to research this yourself (see links in post above). It is up to each of us as individuals to do our own research. We cannot rely on the fake research from the murdering medical corporations. When they find something that cures patients and they cannot patent it and charge massive amounts of bucks for it, they cover it up, twist the statistics, basically do whatever they can to keep it hidden.


Note: This comment was copied and slightly edited from my reply to the previous comment for better visibility.

In response to the previous comment by zedcell, i also in-courage anyone reading this post and comments not to take my word for it, but to do your own research. This post by someone who has used Chlorine Dioxide daily for 26 years and very clearly addresses the concerns raised by zedcell.

Dangerous misinformation.

Shame on you converting naive people to this ridiculous cult.

I respect your right to give your opinion, and to downvote.
And, i partially quote you:

Don't be that 🚀🚀🚀 dumb person...
Do your own research read about ...

Chlorine Dioxide

Peace and Love to you